[過去ログ] 精神疾患持つ人 平均寿命は63歳 東大発表 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (57レス)

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29: 2017/08/13(日)08:42 ID:fiiuCZ1F(4/6) AAS
オリジナルに書いてあるじゃんw 目的と結論ちゃんと読めよ>>1
あくまで「日本」の精神医療の現場限定だぞ 一般的に精神疾患と平均寿命について述べた論文じゃないから

Aims To elucidate excess mortality among individuals with SMI in Japan.

Conclusions Although Japan leads the world in longevity,
individuals with SMI suffer premature death and excess mortality due to physical conditions as well as suicide.
Revealing this underreported disparity of life is the first step to improving physical care for individuals with SMI.
あと 28 レスあります
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