[過去ログ] ☆メンヘルで生活保護235☆ワッチョイ無し レフト専用 (1002レス)
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767(1): レフト ◆wuAmJN96nro7 2018/05/17(木)02:32 ID:96BS/02l(14/20) AAS
I have the experience which finished a graduate school of a first-class university and worked for a first-class enterprise.
The man with the high intelligence degree the kind of qualification is also possessing a lot.
After that I live comfortably in NAMAPO. Why not?
After all that works, earns and makes a home, and that says winning group by an ideal?
It's only the "others' sense of values" forced on others.
On the other hand, I have my sense of values.
I'm a person with disabilities obviously, and so-called "Victim" of the society.
So the social security made by NAMAPO is natural and is a right.
Oh, I'll live happily.
It'll be natural to touch impudent "wrongdoer" impudently. It's an eye for an eye.
あと 235 レスあります
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