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228(1): パラソル満子 2017/06/21(水)06:42 ID:dEVV2zdj(1/6) AAS
Korean Original Scatology culture
Korean Poo Wine
マ ジ で ホ ン ト に
糞 食 い 文 化 の 国 、 韓 国
韓国特産人糞酒 ト ン ス ル
T t o n g s u l
Makgeolli Ttongsul
Research this fantastic word " Ttongsul " on the internet
It's korean special drink
Korean's traditional alcohol
Korean's (Chinese) original culture
And also, it's national shame of Korea
So Korean want to conceal this fact and information about Ttongsul
Putting the dung into Makgeolli is Ttongsul cocktail
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