[過去ログ] 【Lv.0可】 どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★16 【大砲禁止】 (1002レス)

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183: 汁👴 ハンター[Lv.638][木] 08/11(日)14:55 ID:FpgXpK510(1/10) AAS
We already dont need you and your job.
You dont do your main job.
We all know that.
Many of users had left now.
One thing, install the Market function.
Thats all.
184: 警備員[Lv.10] 08/11(日)14:57 ID:RDJDIEe20(2/6) AAS
As a major premise, Have a place to hear opinions on a regular basis.
185: 警備員[Lv.7][新芽] 08/11(日)14:57 ID:bJj8QkFP0(2/2) AAS
186: 警備員[Lv.0][新芽] 08/11(日)14:59 ID:x+nvtSlI0(1) AAS
(2): 警備員[Lv.36] 08/11(日)15:02 ID:R+raTYap0(1/6) AAS

If you have too many requests to organize,
I think it would be nice to be able to add a message when purchasing a bundle.

188: 警備員[Lv.89] 08/11(日)15:02 ID:m4GilNHn0(4/14) AAS
(2): 警備員[Lv.89] 08/11(日)15:05 ID:m4GilNHn0(5/14) AAS
Please set VIPQ2=2 on all boards of 5ch.
I'm in trouble because the board where I can't activate Acorns has been devastated.
(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/11(日)15:08 ID:CAP_USER(2/26) AAS
That’s a good idea.

I received an email asking for this. I talked with the 5ch management and they asked me to use a system where we first add VIPQ2 to a board so that threads can be individually specified to allow acorn. If the problem persists after adding VIPQ2, then we can add BBS_ACORN to the board.
Is there a list of boards that have VIPQ2 but still need a stronger donguri presence?


Currently we are building the app in GODOT. I believe GODOT is able to export to android, but I have not tested that yet.
Our latest build currently looks like this:
(2): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/11(日)15:08 ID:CAP_USER(3/26) AAS
Yes, I want to fix bugs and address system issues next.

I may adjust that soon. The fight simulator needs a refactor very soon.

This is a good list of things. I will address most of these items.

That’s an interesting glitch. I will make it so you can’t attack yourself.
(4): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/11(日)15:09 ID:CAP_USER(4/26) AAS
What do you mean the maximum ATK value is meaningless?

It’s ok, people will come back.

Does this apply to all combat, or just certain arenas?

I’ll make new equipment soon and officially release the arena too.
(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/11(日)15:09 ID:CAP_USER(5/26) AAS
You want to write what kind of message when purchasing a bundle?

Do any boards need it immediately as an emergency?
(2): 警備員[Lv.108][SSR武][SR防][苗] 08/11(日)15:11 ID:cm1GdUbG0(4/5) AAS
What about the battle problem?

Now if you increase WT, HP will increase exponentially.
But the damage depends on Min ATK
As a result, some hunters have too much HP like 100K so that others can't beat them
This is the case for Japan Arena because there is no upper MOD limit there
(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/11(日)15:11 ID:CAP_USER(6/26) AAS
Is Obon holiday a good time to introduce new equipment?
(2): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.464][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/11(日)15:12 ID:CAP_USER(7/26) AAS
I will figure out a great way to balance it that makes a lot of sense.
197: 警備員[Lv.135][SSR武][SSR防][苗] 08/11(日)15:13 ID:JjDda47r0(12/14) AAS
I think the introduction of VIPQ2 on all boards is a great idea.
Let's do it now!
(2): 警備員[Lv.89] 08/11(日)15:13 ID:m4GilNHn0(6/14) AAS
What is urgently needed is a ``育児 board.''
The vandalism is so bad that most of the residents have given up on posting...
199: 汁👴 ハンター[Lv.638][木] 08/11(日)15:14 ID:FpgXpK510(2/10) AAS
Market only please
200: 警備員[Lv.30][N武][N防][苗] 08/11(日)15:14 ID:QnTE9krz0(2/3) AAS
Applies to all combat.
201: 警備員[Lv.12] 08/11(日)15:14 ID:ikwL1K0Y0(2/3) AAS
Thank you. I was suffering from a hunter account that was hitting itself and doing whatever it wanted. I hope for a quick response.
202: 警備員[Lv.36] 08/11(日)15:14 ID:R+raTYap0(2/6) AAS
I think I will at least write only what is necessary,
such as checking fatal bugs and specifications that I am not sure are intended.

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