[English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 30 (715レス)

(2): ブタ耳◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 3ee3-7ZEY) 06/22(土)23:44 ID:UA0kscVu0(3/4) AAS
I went to the park in order to play tennis.は、"(too) formal"で、
I went to the park to play tennis. は、"less formal"だということになるでしょう。

What do I need to bring in order to practise. という "(too) formal"な言い方に比べて、
What do I need to bring to pracitse は、"less formal"だと言っているにすぎないのです。


この文章を、("What do I need to bring to practiseは")「インフォーマルな英語で単語が欠落してる」とゲロった(前スレ927)、と解釈するのは誤読です。

Hi both

You've emailed me about text on my website.
This question is written informally so it drops a couple of words
In long form it reads "What to bring in order to practise" meant as the things you need in order to practise the practice of yoga.
To make it less formal, I dropped the "in order to" so that it felt more warm/chatty. It's a little bit colloquial but more understandable to the average person.
My mother-in-law is a copywriter and she verified this is correct so from my view it is the right spelling
If you find other evidence, let me know

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