[English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 30 (715レス)
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506: (ワッチョイ 6ef8-b5YI) 07/16(火)21:19 ID:9AC0eqFF0(1/2) AAS
507: (ワッチョイ 6ef8-b5YI) 07/16(火)21:26 ID:9AC0eqFF0(2/2) AAS
Can you explain how you feel the sentence " As my mother had said that it would snow from evening,it started to snow," is complicated?
The original sentence "As my mother had said that it would snow from evening, it started to snow" has a few issues that make it less clear and slightly awkward. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the complications:
Temporal Phrase "from evening":
The phrase "from evening" is not idiomatic in English. It’s more common to say "in the evening" or "starting in the evening."
The clause "As my mother had said that it would snow" is somewhat redundant when combined with "it started to snow" because the temporal context can be inferred without needing the "that it would snow" part.
Flow and Clarity:
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