[過去ログ] 雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 61 (1002レス)
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48(1): 2024/11/01(金)05:27 AAS
These sentences are crafted specifically with you, the reader, in mind. They are therefore designed for someone who understands English only at a junior high school level—not for native speakers. That’s why they follow a particular style.
No matter how often you review my explanation, the fact that you still fail to grasp the reasoning here confirms your standing as an F-rank university graduate. Having studied under a professor who passed the old bar exam as a student at Tokyo University and later earned a doctorate in law there, I am intellectually superior to you. In contrast, you studied under a professor with limited academic achievements, whose highest qualification was merely a master’s degree from Keio University.
In short, you are not qualified to criticize my writing and are nothing but a fool.
50(1): (アウアウウー Sa9d-rPhr) 2024/11/01(金)14:17 ID:EoBEsEuCa(1/5) AAS
If you’re catering to basic level english learners, why not just say “get a job already “. It’s a correct and easier to understand phrase even to your target audience compared to “go to a job site very soon,” which is plainly wrong and redundant.
Your reasoning doesn’t work here, it just shows you’re an incompetent clueless loser with low IQ.
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