スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 372 (606レス)
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233: 12/17(火)10:33:45.01 AAS
Oxford Dictionary of English, Third edition should
3.<formal>expressing the conditional mood:
(in the first person)indicating the consequence of an imagined event:
If I were to obey my first impulse, I should spend my days writing letters.
オックスフォード英語辞典 第三版 should
(1): (中止 b19d-f8RK) 12/24(火)07:28:26.01 ID:0g+7RQn/0EVE(4/4) AAS
★ I wish S would not be のパターン
I wish you would not be so quarrelsome.

★ I wish S would not do のパターン
I wish you wouldn't do so!

439: 01/06(月)09:57:37.01 AAS
The phrase "Give 'em here quick!" on its own is quite ambiguous and does not explicitly convey any particular action, such as smelling a girl’s underwear. Without further context or additional details about the speaker, the situation, or the objects being referred to, it’s impossible to definitively conclude the intent behind the phrase.
1.Key Points to Consider:
2.The Pronoun 'em: The contraction 'em is short for "them," but what "them" refers to entirely depends on the prior context. It could be any item, from mundane objects like tools or papers to something more unusual.
3.Tone and Context: Without a surrounding narrative or description of the character’s behavior, environment, or dialogue tone, interpreting such a phrase as referring to underwear specifically would be speculative. The line could be uttered in a wide range of scenarios, from urgent and innocent to potentially inappropriate.
4.Cultural or Literary Context: If this line is part of a story or dialogue, the characters and their personalities, motivations, and actions leading up to the statement are crucial in interpreting its meaning. The surrounding text may clarify the intent and what "them" refers to.
5.Explicit Indicators: For your interpretation to be valid, the text would need explicit or strongly suggestive indicators, such as prior mention of the object in question or descriptions of the character’s actions that align with your hypothesis.
In conclusion, unless additional details in the story provide evidence that the character is referring to something like a girl’s underwear with questionable intent, it would not be reasonable to assume such a specific meaning from this phrase alone.
463: (ワッチョイ b360-bDSa) 01/10(金)13:37:12.01 ID:8hozvEbR0(2/2) AAS
なんか不自然な言い方っぽいな 却下
(1): (ワッチョイ 05e2-eS9n) 01/18(土)17:29:15.01 ID:eXHnh64n0(2/2) AAS
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