[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san (1001レス)
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348(1): ◆DESKYpi1Ew 04/09/19 00:58 ID:9zPPH5rz(1) AAS
Thank you Mr. Jim.
349: 04/09/19 03:01 ID:0z0nag2C(1) AAS
What kind of the female costume (or
the female nude); What do you(Jim-san) like ?
350: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/19 04:27 ID:I03bQP1O(2/4) AAS
I like banana suits like this
351: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/19 04:38 ID:I03bQP1O(3/4) AAS
Ok, I am going to pick up the girls now. They will be trained today.
So maybe boring we will be here.
See you all soon
352: 04/09/19 06:31 ID:3O1J4eL8(1) AAS
353: 04/09/19 07:43 ID:9mZyEaPO(1/2) AAS
2 reboot girls (or a reboot girl and a reboot boy?) and Jim-san are on the livecam!
Nice costume (ww
Jim-san please wear it too (wwww
354: 04/09/19 07:46 ID:9mZyEaPO(2/2) AAS
it is a kind of 2ch word, means grin
355(1): 04/09/19 09:47 ID:D5+w4ytH(1) AAS
I think "(w" is a not 2ch word.
356: 04/09/19 10:26 ID:KxpxfEli(1) AAS
>>355 typical Janglish :P
"I don't think "(w" is a 2ch word." is much better. Remember it if you like.
Anyway (w is a word frequently used in 2ch, there is no doubt. huh.
357(1): ◆baila6uPTo 04/09/19 11:00 ID:7LqQMJdA(3/3) AAS
I am Macintosh user...orz
358(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/19 11:30 ID:I03bQP1O(4/4) AAS
There are not banana uniforms big enough for me.
Java version will be ready next week for the Windows impaired (orz)
Reboot girl schedule will be posted by Monday.
359: 04/09/19 18:53 ID:unB/gCDC(1) AAS
Jesus Christ's banana!
360: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/20 03:40 ID:6uj0KY8G(1/4) AAS
Christian's say Jesus Christ was perfect. I wonder what size his banana
361: 04/09/20 04:50 ID:Fwl9zvAw(1/2) AAS
me two...orz
>Windows impaired
well,never mind... ;-D
362: 04/09/20 04:51 ID:Fwl9zvAw(2/2) AAS
_| ̄|○
363: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/20 05:38 ID:6uj0KY8G(2/4) AAS
Mac is good too, I just need the extra mouse button.
364: 04/09/20 09:01 ID:fw1lSS4t(1) AA×
365(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/20 12:51 ID:6uj0KY8G(3/4) AAS
I like the autumn it is the time for collecting the food from the fields
and the time that wind picks up a bit so we can see what is under those skirts.
How about an ambiguous subject like Autumn Wind?
366: 04/09/20 13:56 ID:8dAYsU6h(1) AAS
Thank you Mr.Jim.
Instantly, we discuss Autumn Wind.
367: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/20 15:17 ID:6uj0KY8G(4/4) AAS
I hope you get it, I was being very ambiguous.
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