Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/
222: ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 10:44:47 ID:d4BpxzfM 何度言っても分からんのねこの人 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/222
223: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 10:58:35 ID:s4nOiREG >>215-221 The deleter must not leak out own account for deletion under his control. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/223
224: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 11:07:55 ID:s4nOiREG >>223 PLZ REMOVE THE WORD >his>[NO NEED] or REPLACE his TO"one's" SORRY. :-( http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/224
225: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 12:55:43 ID:yFmhmsds To: Jim-san, These are IZUMI-san's ideas of "KOKOROE". http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~eita/kokoroe.html He is hoping to be a leader under this condition. The purposes of his ideas are to protect a deleter from a law risk, to avoid making a mistake, and to organize smoothly. A purpose of my translation is only that you to understand his ideas roughly. These rules have to be edited substantially and grammatically before issuing, if you use his ideas. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/225
226: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 12:56:14 ID:yFmhmsds (Please change "he" to "she" when it is necessary.) "KOKOROE", RULES OF DELETER ●1. WHAT IS A DELETER? 1. A deleter is a BBSPINK user who is given the right to delete only under the limited condition. 2. A deleter is being for protecting the user's smooth communication. Therefore, a deleter pays attention about not disturbing the user's communication on his work of deletion. ●2. A LIMIT OF WORK OF A DELETER 1. A deleter deletes only an object which is appointed on a deletion policy and a local rule; however, Jim's judgement is more than all rules. 2. A deleter does not delete his posting by himself except posting his cap information. 3. A deleter does not delete a posting when he is not sure a posting should be deleted or not. 4. A deleter deletes a posting of a rights abuse along a deletion policy and a local rule, but must not to do a judgement along a law. A deleter does not have a right to do a judgement it by a law, but only Jim has a right to judge it by a law. (A purpose is to protect a deleter from a law risk.) 5. If a deleter has deleted a posting which is not appointed on a deletion policy, he has to explain to Jim and a leader why he has done it. It may be opened on a thread of discussion of a deletion. 6. The deleter must not leak out own account information of deletion under one's control. 7. A deleter has to keep a secret about information of a script of deletion and information of administration. 8. A deleter must not get a thing or money for his work on deletion. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/226
227: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 12:56:53 ID:yFmhmsds ●3. A DELETER'S RIGHT OF DELETION 1. A deleter deletes a posting along a deletion policy, and also he has a right freely to leave a posting without deleting. 2. A request of deletion helps a deleter to find a posting, but also he has a right to delete without a request. 3. A deleter takes responsibility to Jim along the rules of deleter when he uses his right to delete. 4. A deleter is allowed to quit a work whenever he wants to. 5. A deleter may be forced to quit when he works beyond a limit of the rules. ●4. NECESSARY THINGS 1. A deleter needs to reserve an e-mail address for contact. 2. A deleter needs to check for new notes (Mailing List?) for deleters within a required period.(How long?) 3. A deleter has to report in advance when he cannot be on conditions of "Necessary Things". ●5. THINGS TO PLEASE DO IF POSSIBLE 1. A deleter please reports after deleting for a request, if it is possible. 2. A deleter please pays attention not to open on the public about his personal information, if it is possible. 3. A deleter please reports when he has a problem or a question on his work, if it is possible. ●6. ABOUT AN AGREEMENT 1. The rules of deleter may be changed sometimes. A deleter contacts Jim or a leader within a week(?) if he does not agree with the new rules. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/227
228: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 16:29:10 ID:KYblzdk8 Folks, I am trying translation Izumi-san's KOKOROE by using my spare time. This is completely my hobby and one of the trainings of my English skill. So it is like masturbating. :-) http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt I think the KOKOROE is very good, so, I want to translate to English only for my motivation. Regards, http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/228
229: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 16:30:43 ID:KYblzdk8 But my work is very slow, so, please don't count on my translations. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/229
230: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:16:38 ID:KYblzdk8 I updated the translations to DRAFT-2. http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt This is the English translations of >>214. Any comments are welcome. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/230
231: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:20:22 ID:KYblzdk8 (in Japanese) ということで適当に訳してみました。 あえて、硬い言い回しで訳しています。 あと、章立てを 1. 2. ... / 1.1 1.2 ... としてみました。 一部、意訳っぽいところも含まれています。 できるだけ文意が伝わるように訳してみたつもりですが、 たぶん突っ込みどころがいろいろあると思います。 そのへんは、随時ここにて。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/231
232: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:32:16 ID:KYblzdk8 I uploaded DRAFT-2.1. It includes slightly fixes. http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt - their deletions. The explanations may publish in suitable + their deletions. The explanations may be published in suitable - 2.6 The deleters must administrate by themselves their deletion - account. + 2.6 The deleters must administrate in their good intentions their + deletion account by themselves. And I can't update my translation until tonight for my main job. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/232
233: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:40:22 ID:yFmhmsds >>232 What a beautiful and an academical writing, it is! I am sure that Jim-san will understand more deeply after reading your draft. I hope Jim-san likes KOKOROE. Otudesu. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/233
234: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 18:35:27 ID:KYblzdk8 BE:2919348-PLT(13231) >>233 Thank you. But as seen, the translation is still under constructing. I will continue translation by my spare time. And after I complete translation, I think it is one of the common resources of BBSPINK, and I wish Izumi-san maintains it, too. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/234
235: ◆ANALFUCKo6 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 19:23:58 ID:5b4pELPu I would like to become a volunteer at BBSPINK. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/235
236: ◆SELEN/.zg6 [sage] 2006/08/03(木) 21:13:52 ID:0dWbxtNu (In Japanese) >>213 質問があります。 削除権の行使は削除依頼の有無に依存しません。依頼は対象を知るきっかけであって一切の権利を制限しません。 一切の権利を制限しません、←この部分なのですが 削除依頼がされた投稿のみに削除権を行使できる、と言う事ではない、つまり「通りすがりでも削除できますよ」 と言う理解で宜しいでしょうか? ・削除人は削除行為について物品及び金銭の授受を行ってはなりません。 ←この一文に関してなのでが この場合の「金銭の授受」とは、いわゆる「削除行使」による「労働対価」を受け取っては成らない、と言う意味なのか、もしくは 「削除行為」に関して、「受託」を受け何らかの「恣意的行動」を行う、つまり「賄賂」による「不正な削除行為」に、関して言及されているのでしょうか? または、そのどちらの意味の含むのでしょうか? おたずねしたいと思います、 よろしければご回答下さい。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/236
237: koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] 2006/08/03(木) 21:56:57 ID:V1oOFxdd (In Japanese) >>213>>215>>236を以下のスレにも転載しました。 PINKの削除依頼板&削除心得。。。2 http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153824407/ http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/237
238: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/04(金) 00:30:17 ID:CsgMTwsF Hello jim-san. I am suffering an illness. The sickness is epilepsy. It is not usually at all and is peaceful. Whether when and where the sickness occurs is not understood. It is necessary to take a rest all day long when the sickness occurs. In a word, it is not understood that it becomes impossible when to do the duty suddenly due to sickness. May even such man do the volunteer? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/238
239: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/04(金) 04:36:48 ID:9uDDZiw2 Izumi-san, If you can, please add "Document version" and "Last Update" in the "KOKOROE". http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~eita/kokoroe.html I will apply them to my English translated version. http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/239
240: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/04(金) 06:16:51 ID:9uDDZiw2 I translated Izumi-san's KOKOROE to the last minute. It is DRAFT-3 version. http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt I think that it is still incomplete. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. -- Mumumu http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/240
241: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/08/04(金) 10:25:54 ID:JvfbYFlU >>238 epilepsy ok http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/241
あと 596 レスあります