[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)
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40: 2006/07/27(木)17:55 ID:SHfoK644(2/2) AAS
Toru-san wants to recruit deleters of PINKBBS.
He has the special skill that sees through the eligible of deleters.
An official mail address of PINKBBS is necessary to recruit deleters.
Please give an official mail address for the deleters recruitment to Toru-san.
Could you grant permission that uses del@bbspink.com for Toru-san?
41: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木)18:00 ID:KDNsM1Br(7/9) BE AAS
Indeed, 外部リンク:www.excite.co.jp (Excite translation) is very cool certainly.
But I dare to introduce an alternate one. It is 外部リンク:honyaku.yahoo.co.jp (Yahoo translation).
(N.B. "Honyaku" means translation in Japanese)
Excite translation uses Amikai's translation engine, it is very popular for
online translation web page. But Yahoo translation does not use it, but
Yahoo uses Cross Language's translation engine.
So, we can use both engines of course and we can choose and/or integrate the results.
It is very useful for checking and taking diversity.
42(3): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木)18:03 ID:??? AAS
Jim-san, I itemized a necessary thing at >>38.
1, Jim-san must decide "Volunteer's Knowledge" in Japanese "心得(KOKOROE)".
"Matter for which Jim-san hope to volunteers as manager",
"Matter for which Jim-san doesn't hope to volunteers as manager" and
"Matter where manager takes the consequences",
These three items are at least necessary.
2, Jim-san should decide volunteer's leader.
Normally, Jim-san may manage all. But, it isn't so realistic.
I ran for the leader. However, other person may do.
And, the official mail address is necessary.
43: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木)18:05 ID:KDNsM1Br(8/9) BE AAS
I think it is very good and it is enough to recognize your thinking to Jim-san.
44: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木)18:16 ID:KDNsM1Br(9/9) BE AAS
And Toru-san,
You need to explain/clarify to Jim-san why August 15th is the hard limit of it.
I think it is very important point.
I am not sure that Jim-san recognizes the past facts for a month.
So, it is safe to explain all facts to Jim-san in this thread.
45: ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木)19:01 ID:??? AAS
Thank you. Um,,, I try.
Hiroyuki wrote at 2channel
> I should do "Is the deletion script of bbspink name changed or the deletion request stop".
> But, Worry is when I do it.
> I will execute it within one month because I look at current state.
He wrote when July 13th...
46(1): イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木)21:32 ID:Q88B4g2h(1/4) AAS
47(1): イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木)21:50 ID:Q88B4g2h(2/4) AAS
...English Fn ..tidying.. ー... Someone will be able to ask for the translation.
As much as possible..translation..put..roll up..low.A hard gay doesn't permit
Salvation by faith fooooooooooooooooooo!!
...retreat.. ー also. It is hard gay and ..becoming empty.. !.
It is ..gym.. ー, and I am a hard gay who can delete it.
Now, I want to see the telephone number and the ruining request. Okcai. ?
.. ..will help without permission.. ..becoming empty.. though not judged by a
formal deletion guideline it is detailed of not deciding. The waist moves without
48: ◆MOMOwomoIk @桃太郎 ★ 2006/07/27(木)22:08 ID:??? AAS
Hello! Mr.Jim!
I am MOMOTARO, one of the volunteers of BBSPINK.
I know me well and cannot miss the results of the past of >>42 ◆ ZFz/q7JaS6 @ TORU ★
for future development of BBSPINK with a very splendid thing.
Jim please accept his >>42 proposals by all means.
Because I do my best for development of a bulletin board, too; thanking you in advance.
Jimさん こんにちは
>>42 ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★の過去の実績は、私もよく知っており、とても素晴らしいもので、
49(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/27(木)22:12 ID:kiGGVRZm(6/6) AAS
>>イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U-san
We welcome you.
Let's do its best with us.
I leave it to another volunteer because I cannot translate.
50: イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木)22:24 ID:Q88B4g2h(3/4) AAS
>>49 koro-san
Thank you. Please leave it to me.
Let's hold out mutually.
51(1): 2006/07/27(木)22:28 ID:JzYh1f2h(1) AAS
Translation for >>46
Hi! I am Hard Gay.
Jim-san! I am a hard-gay who can do deletion.
Interim, I would like to take care of telephone number issues and request of cope with unexpected attack posting. Is it OOOOK?
I will not judge detailed point before formal deletion guideline is created, but I will help without permission :-). My waist is also shaken without permission!
It does not care even if the deletion account stops if my activity is not preferable. Come oooooon!
I want to hold the activity as the volunteer. Pleeeeease accept!
ヽ○ノ fooooooooooooooooooo!!
52: イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木)22:34 ID:Q88B4g2h(4/4) AAS
Thank you!! Thank you!!
arigatou gozaimasu!!
53: ◆qb.x27/m96 2006/07/27(木)23:45 ID:Mwrv+PTw(1) AAS
Dear Jim-san
We have manager's Jim-san and the thing that it wants you to decide
It is this.
"Mr. volunteer's knowledges"
There are three elements in them.
1:What is the thing for which the manager hopes?
2:What is the thing for which the manager doesn't hope?
3:All the responsibilities are manager's things.
54: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/28(金)00:45 ID:51HCVh3p(1/3) AAS
The guideline is agreement between you and users.
KOKOROE is agreement between you and deleter.
And KOKOROE is contract terms between you and deleter.
55: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/28(金)00:51 ID:51HCVh3p(2/3) AAS
BBSPINK has the same script as 2ch.
2ch doesn't hope for the script to be known to everybody.
So, The script for operation disappears on August 15.
56: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/28(金)01:09 ID:51HCVh3p(3/3) AAS
Deleter needs them not to be sued.
Deleter might function if it does so.
Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the contract terms between Deleter and Jim-san.
The volunteer gets the tool from the operator.
Jim-san should decide the operator who brings them together.
I guarantee that TORU-san has the ability for it.
57: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/28(金)04:47 ID:yapYUSkg(1/3) AAS
To: Jim-san
>>11 "The threads and boards are enjoyable by the majority of the users."
I got it.
Although it is difficult to make a standard, do we add to a deletion policy about a slander?
>>47 イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U is offering to become a volunteer.
58: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/28(金)05:27 ID:yapYUSkg(2/3) AAS
To: Jim-san
I have a basic question for making a deletion policy.
Will you save the bbs data as long as possible?
The reason why I have this question is in the following.
A value of information is increase if off-topic is deleted.
If you will not save the bbs data for a long time, deleting off-topic is unnecessary,
although it might be necessary to keep the rule of the topic.
59(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/28(金)11:29 ID:1aO+fqpW(1/2) AAS
Dear JIM-san.
Less than 21 years old
Less than 18 years old
It is a question about a change of JIM-san.
When it is California state law with the server of BBSPINK, less than 21 years old is a prohibition.
JIM-san ignores a server place of BBSPINK and does not become a problem?
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