[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15 (1001レス)

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921: 2010/05/05(水)15:01 ID:6LKmqOfl(1) AAS
922: 2010/05/05(水)21:08 ID:tfrx8ZQ4(1) AAS
923: Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/06(木)02:16 ID:??? AAS
The ipad is like a big iphone with no dialer.
(1): 2010/05/06(木)07:31 ID:IRuQlIno(1) AAS
which one? 3G or WiFi? either way, I can't wait too see one to come....
oh, and backup your ECID SHSH if you ever jailbreak it before the end of this planet.
925: didi ★ 2010/05/06(木)11:25 ID:??? AAS
he new iphone on sale May 30.
i saw a ipod the big one at the store but to me though if i have to pay $500 for that
i would buy a lap top instead if i don't have one.
i paid $299 for my iphone 2 years ago,16gig the old one.
i recently dropped my iphone down to the ground,it has a little crack on top of the screen.
since there is no apple store around here,i went to at&t instead and they told me
the estimate price for fix that will be around $200.
i guess i gotta wait till end of this month and buy a new model instead.
the new iphone will be $199 anyway.
(3): 2010/05/06(木)11:47 ID:tQIcN7/9(1) AAS
you may want to try Android for iPhone after switching to iP4G.
(1): Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/06(木)13:16 ID:??? AAS
I got the 64gig wifi version. I wanted the 3G
version, but of course that would be useless to me. Since it is locked.
928: Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/06(木)13:29 ID:??? AAS
That is a great price for a new iphone. I bought
mine and it was just about $1000 USD.
They are free with a service contract from Globe
in the Philippines though. Maybe I will get a new one.
(1): 2010/05/06(木)13:30 ID:lkaFdtD6(1) AAS
aw, that's a big mistake, Jim-san. the iPad 3G is NOT locked, and microSIM are electricaly/electoronically
compatible with the usual GSM SIM so if you've got any (disposal) prepaid SIM you can cut one down with
scissors and fit it in.
930: Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/06(木)13:35 ID:??? AAS
I have seen a iphone with dual boot android on it. It seemed to work very well.
(1): Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/06(木)13:37 ID:??? AAS
Oh I am so stupid
What a big mistake. I read the apple.com website, and they said that normal sim cards
would not fit in it, and that service had to be purchased from At
932: 2010/05/06(木)13:59 ID:U7Q+Culb(1) AAS
Enter a choice[1-5]:_
1: sell to Hiroyuki in $999
2: return and get refunded
3: gift to mother
4: sign on it, chemically etch it and make it a charity auction
5: forget about and tether iPhone with PdaNet
933: Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/06(木)14:07 ID:??? AAS
To many choices and 5 is what I do. I am going to keep this thing. It is really
great. Next step is to figure out how to get Icy
and Winterboard installed on it. Then I can
do some real work with this machine.
934: xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/07(金)12:56 ID:??? AAS
All of my apps seem to be working very well
on ipad. Hopefully, there will be new versions of
the apps I am using soon that are not so pixelated.
(1): Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/09(日)10:34 ID:??? AAS
It is time for Iron man 2
(2): witch2e@削魔除 ★ 2010/05/09(日)14:12 ID:??? AAS
Hello, Jim-san.

I sent the email of the contents which were the same as >>867.

Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 13:54:16 +0900
937: 204-195-10-179.wavecable.com@Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/09(日)15:32 ID:??? AAS
I won't be able to check that email until next Friday. I am not in the office right now.
I have email here but it is my personal email.
I don't want to publish that here, or else there will be to many spam filling it up.
(2): didi ★ 2010/05/11(火)07:31 ID:??? AAS
i don't know anything about "Android".
i guess i'm going to google it.does it sound just like ググれ?

i watched it and was good!
i also watched a nightmare on elm street 2010 last weekend.
(1): 2010/05/11(火)07:42 ID:iTleCJzd(1) AAS
go 外部リンク:japanese.engadget.comorjustsendmeyourdeviceandi'll ship a fake one back to you.
940: Apparently admin ★ 2010/05/12(水)03:51 ID:??? AAS
Hi didi-San
Iron man 2 was more action packed than the first movie. They replaced the LTC with a different guy. The writing was not as good as the first movie. To many old stale jokes not really original.
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