[過去ログ] 【賛同者限定】花王製品の不買運動 すすぎ214回目 (1001レス)
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217: Fruity Goodness [fruit-trees@cdwuyang.com] 2012/03/26(月)07:27 ID:vlUlfc680(1/3) AAS
Blueberry Giant - Grow Your Own Delicious Blueberries from home.
Medical research has shown that eating blueberries can help you lose abdominal fat, improve your memory, and even prevent cancer.
Now you can grow your very own blueberries, get as much as FOUR pints of blueberries each day.
Delicious blueberries are full of antioxidants.
Get TWO plants, plus an extra one on us, for only $10.00
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