[過去ログ] 【米国】 慰安婦決議案 報告書に「吉田清治証言」 米下院はこの虚構を根拠に審議 (860レス)
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192(1): 名無しさん@七周年 2007/04/13(金)20:05 ID:z5PF9tgW0(3/4) AAS
>40. The Special Rapporteur noted that historian Dr. Ikuhiko Hata of Chiba University, Tokyo,
>refuted certain historical studies made on the issue of "comfort women", in particular
>Yoshida Seiji's book, which describes the plight of "comfort women" on Cheju-do island.
>Dr. Hata explained that he had visited Cheju-do, Republic of Korea, in 1991/92 seeking
>evidence and had come to the conclusion that the major perpetrators of
>the "comfort women crime" were in fact Korean district chiefs, brothel owners
>and even parents of the girls themselves who, he alleged, were aware of the purpose of
>the recruitment of their daughters.
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