[過去ログ] 【朗報】氷河期世代を国家公務員に重点採用。政府方針 ★7 (1002レス)

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6: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/11/27(水)07:35 ID:JMQSwFKX0(1) AAS
"Statement on Kelton Visit to Japan" The Modern Money Network Sep.10,2019

"At no point prior to or during this interview was Kelton aware of Mitsuhashi’s reputation in Japan, or prior personal history."

"On the basis of the information provided by Kelton, as well as additional verification from other colleagues more familiar with Japanese politics,
MMT academic Bill Mitchell drafted a set of protocols for visiting Japan to avoid such issues in the future, which includes"
"Avoiding any interaction or involvement with Mitsuhashi"
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