Let's talk with Jim-san. in HIHAN-YOBO (481レス)
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8(5): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)21:56 ID:??? AAS
14(6): 2014/02/24(月)21:59 ID:sW/5PTig(1/4) AAS
Dear Mr. Jim.
I strongly recommend you DO NOT change the present IP address disclosing system.
The change of the system considerably increases the number of claims(complaints).
This will just adds to your burden.
The present one is that all claims(complaints) are open to public,
so that the content of the claims is often discussed by users.
This works as a barrier.
The barrier shuts non-sense claims.
If anyone makes the non-sense claim to 2ch,
the claim is open to public, so users criticize it.
33(3): 2014/02/24(月)22:09 ID:YVv/u6jr(1) AAS
Dear Jim-san
We live Criticism request board(批判要望 外部リンク:engawa.2ch.net
We want to change three points.
Firstly,we want to reduce samba.
We want to change it from 30 to 20.
Secondly,we want to reduce timecount:timeclose.
We want to change it from 20:08 to ??:??.
For example, from 20:08 to 20:12.
Thirdly,We can not use UNICODE.
Please,permit to use it.
63(6): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)22:29 ID:??? AAS
>>32 Your god is on my automatic spam delete list.
72(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)22:33 ID:??? AAS
If your samba is currently 30. It can be reduced to 15 by using the Ronin system.
30 is low enough otherwise.
113(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)22:52 ID:??? AAS
144(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)23:10 ID:??? AAS
171(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)23:35 ID:??? AAS
My taste changes all the time. I have been listening to a lot of Bob Marley lately.
In this bright future, you can't forget your past. - Bob Marley
190(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)23:49 ID:??? AAS
I read her book. She is very smart, as well as beautiful.
>>184 I still listen to The Brilliant Green
>>186 I am sorry, I don't know who she is.
>>182 I am a Mariners fan
>>182 Football.
192(3): 2014/02/24(月)23:50 ID:jnvAexru(2/2) AAS
193(6): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/24(月)23:50 ID:??? AAS
You are all lawyers?
259(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/25(火)00:26 ID:??? AAS
Thank you for talking to me about your deities tonight. I enjoyed it very much. I laughed.
We will do our best with regulations. AirRock-san is very sincere and trying to find solutions.
Please be patient, 頑張ります。
319(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/25(火)23:49 ID:??? AAS
There must be a reason that was set. Perhaps there are some names you should not display
and some reason you should not be able to talk smoothly?
I have noticed your ambitious behavior boys.
340(4): xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★ 2014/02/26(水)00:19 ID:??? AAS
348(5): 2014/02/26(水)00:44 ID:FFtRooXE(1) AAS
Jimは多分角が立たないように適当に流してるだけで実際恒心教サイコー!ってなってるわけちゃうやろ ありえへん
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