[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.37 (1002レス)
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796: (ワッチョイ 5f94-H7Ii) 2019/02/16(土)01:51 ID:yIwj38N70(1) AAS
President, I support your decision.
I believe that this consistent attitude to protect election promises is trusted and supported by voters.
The loose areas in immigration control as like the southern part of the United Statesare not present in developed countries at least.
The judgment of President Trump is correct even from the world standards.
I think that it is the most important thing in life to penetrate a strong will.
President, please do your best in the future. I support you.
With all due respect, President Trump, good luck with the President's work afternoon.
God bless President and the United States of America.
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