[過去ログ] ソ連の対独戦勝は米英のレンドリースと戦略爆撃のお陰? (969レス)
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634: 2016/01/01(金)13:00 ID:/vXYyhxv(1) AAS
The fact that the fighting at Nomonhan coincided with the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was
no coincidence. While Stalin was openly negotiating with Britain and France for a purported anti-fascist
alliance, and secretly negotiating with Hitler for their eventual alliance, he was being attacked by
German’s ally and anti-Comintern partner, Japan. By the summer of 1939, it was clear that Europe
was sliding toward war. Hitler was determined to move east, against Poland. Stalin’s nightmare,
to be avoided at all costs, was a two-front war against Germany and Japan. His ideal outcome would
be for the fascist/militarist capitalists (Germany, Italy, and Japan) to fight the bourgeois/democratic
capitalists (Britain, France, and perhaps the United States), leaving the Soviet Union on the sidelines,
the arbiter of Europe after the capitalists had exhausted themselves. The Nazi-Soviet Pact was
Stalin’s attempt to achieve his optimal outcome. Not only did it pit Germany against Britain and France
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