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59: 2018/01/27(土)21:46 AAS


asian girls have a serious inferiority complex towards white people
they abominate the way they look so hard that that plastic surgery to make their slanted eyes look more like white is now so wide-spreading

i'm an asian guy and just honestly cannot find asian women attractive at all
white girls are objectively the most beautiful by far

i'm an asian male who has banged tens of white girls and now cannot find asian girls attractive anymore tbqh

statistically speaking of all women asian women are the most likely to racemixing and husbands of them are almost exclusively white,
which indicates that they have a fucking huge inferiority complex towards whites and they're really wanting to be westernized themselves
remember that the mother of eliot rodger also had such a feeling...

coloured women are the last hope for a loser white guy who are such a fucking beta trash that he cannot any get white pussy at all

no matter how fucking beta you're as long as you're white then it's ultimately easy for you to bang asian girls

how fucking beta do you have to be to date with some ugly asian ''women'' lol
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