[過去ログ] ノーベル文学賞を予想するPart 3 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
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255: 2016/10/11(火)16:58 ID:rIMas+o6(1/7) AAS

Here are the top 10 contenders for the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Ngugi wa Thiong'o

Haruki Murakami
- But some critics doubt the likelihood of Murakami as the 2016 Nobel Laureate
because he is seen as too populist.

256: 2016/10/11(火)17:16 ID:rIMas+o6(2/7) AAS
Literature with political implications(英訳)

Approximately one third of the Nobel Prize in Literature has been persecuted, censored, or gone into exile.

It also means that the price often has political significance,
although the Swedish Academy claims "literary exaltation over political turmoil".

- Just look at Aleksijevitj.
She was one of the first authors refuge in Sweden.
She received the award means that the regime has to relate to her.

The prize means a lot to exile author on a personal level,
but also for the whole country and the development of literature, says Elnaz Baghlanian,
257: 2016/10/11(火)17:16 ID:rIMas+o6(3/7) AAS
The language is Adonis in the dish,
a fact which shows that the price is political in itself, says Stefan Jonsson.

It is given by the West and prioritize certain languages.
Literary scholar Stefan Helgesson, a professor at Stockholm University,
however, want to play down the role of the Academy.

Nobel prize to an African writer, however, would be of great importance,
believes Stefan Helgesson and mentions exilkenyanen Ngugi wa Thiong'o.

The award would both strengthen the democratic process in Kenya and influence the literary politics.

- It would make the translation and writing in African languages ??clearly.
Wa Thiong'o identifies himself as an African writer
258: 2016/10/11(火)17:23 ID:rIMas+o6(4/7) AAS
Who do you give the Nobel Prize in Literature?(英訳)

Someone notes that Sara Danius in an interview said that
the Nobel Committee endeavoring to pan for writers who depict people and the world
in a different way than the previous winners.
259: 2016/10/11(火)17:41 ID:rIMas+o6(5/7) AAS

Last year, the Belarusian journalist Svetlana Alexievich was at 2/1 when betting closed;
in 2011 the Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer was at 4/6,
in 2009 German novelist Herta Muller was at 3/1,
and in 2008 the French novelist JMG Le Clezio was at 2/1.

Seven out of 10 times in the last decade,
the eventual winner was in Ladbrokes'top three when betting was suspended.

After crunching the numbers since 2005 together with betting data analysis
Ladbrokes said that 91% of the time,
the eventual winner of the Nobel has had odds of 10/1 or less at suspension.
(1): 2016/10/11(火)19:39 ID:rIMas+o6(6/7) AAS
262: 2016/10/11(火)20:30 ID:rIMas+o6(7/7) AAS
Is the Nobel Committee Blackballing American Authors?

Indeed, that task was made all but impossible in 2008 after Horace Engdal,
then the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, declared that
“Europe is still the center of the literary world,” and went to say,
“The U.S. is too isolated, too insular.
They don’t translate enough and don’t really participate in the big dialogue of literature.
That ignorance is restraining.”
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