[過去ログ] ■ウォーゲーム・シミュレーションゲーム総合130■ (1002レス)
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570: Lans◆cFcS.yrpJw (シャチーク 0C5f-4osW) 2023/02/08(水)19:36 ID:qqMFc6BAC(1/2) AAS
Moves 18号のSNIPERの記事にも少し書いてありますね。


While the rules were evolving, the map was also evolving, but at a much slower pace. The original map was much the same as the final map, but the sides of the buildings were square, like buildings are supposed to be.
After wrestling with the anomalies of moving on this map for a short time, the Art Director altered the buildings to conform to the hexagon grid, which makes them look foolish, but helps the game a lot.
571: Lans◆cFcS.yrpJw (シャチーク 0C5f-4osW) 2023/02/08(水)19:40 ID:qqMFc6BAC(2/2) AAS
この考え方は アラモ も同様ですかね
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