[過去ログ] イベルメクチンってどうよ?Part.78 (1002レス)

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(1): ゼロノス◆z8hToT7ttU (ジパング) (オイコラミネオ MM1a-5ux3) 2024/11/08(金)02:37 ID:RLY7rJmqM(20/44) AAS
>>345 (つづき)

Then later when I realized there wasn't, I thought they were- I thought, why are they pushing this stuff? I thought, they're pushing harmless placebos on the worried well, and they're providing a belief structure that there really is a pandemic. Otherwise, why would these clever people be going out of their way to sell you this stuff? And it's like, unfortunately, it's much worse than that, one of the centre stage drugs that they want you to take, Ivermectin, is one of the most violent fertility toxins I've ever come across. And I didn't know this because, like you, you probably didn't think to do the deep research. And I didn't.
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