[過去ログ] どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★34(大砲禁止) (1002レス)
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(8): どんぐりキャノン ★ 05/04(土)09:26 ID:CAP_USER(3/3) AAS
I am finishing up the new weapon/armor battle system.
If you wear armor and/or a weapon, when a hunter attacks you there will be a battle.
If you dont wear armor/weapon then it will be like a normal cannon attack.
884: ころころ 05/04(土)09:34 ID:Xr+ZVOU10(1/2) AAS
886: 05/04(土)09:34 ID:LtBH0ouY0(1) AAS
thank you for your working.
・Most people write using security guard accounts.
・The crazier and malicious hunters have SSR equipment and have higher levels.
Due to the above two reasons, I am worried that this will become a one-sided attack by a malicious hunter.
888: 警備員[Lv.9(前23)][苗]:0.00599724 05/04(土)09:34 ID:PwFfMiq/0(2/10) AAS
Good morning. Donguri Cannon

There are two setting errors that seem like they can be easily fixed.

1. The cannon screen on the lavender server is the old "栗砲" Please change it to "大砲"

2. What happened to the fix I asked you to make the other day to remove the trailing / from the following URLs on Donguri-based sites?

(Before fix)
889: 05/04(土)09:36 ID:hxVk13k60(1/4) AAS
Please fix the loop bug and deviation value request error bug that died forever without doing anything unnecessary.
897: 05/04(土)09:40 ID:k9Yi7+Uz0(1) AAS
Hi どんぐりキャノン san

Please change the settings like this.
Because I want to use the command for each thread.


(3): 05/04(土)09:41 ID:heRAWhfw0(1/12) AAS
I don't think it's good that the level of the user who was shot becomes 0 just by being shot by one ハンター.
How about changing the mechanism so that if the user is shot by 3 or more ハンター, the shot user's level becomes 0?
That way, even if one happy criminal shoots an innocent user, there will be no repercussions.
On the other hand, if the user being shot is a true troll, the troll is likely to be shot by multiple ハンター, so I don't think the どんぐりキャノン's effectiveness in suppressing trolling will be significantly compromised.
Also, since it has been extremely difficult for ordinary ハンター to stop script trolls who attack with a huge number of IPs and cookies, I don't think the impact in this case will be large.

901: 05/04(土)09:42 ID:hxVk13k60(4/4) AAS
Fix the bug quickly
904: 05/04(土)09:43 ID:yltj/b+Q0(3/4) AAS
Please fix the loop that occurs when
cannons are banned.
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