[過去ログ] どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★9 (1002レス)

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(4): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.129][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森] 2024/12/21(土)14:30 ID:CAP_USER(9/36) AAS
Lets do a status update on where we are at right now.

The future of BBS_ACORN:
The original purpose of BBS_ACORN was to stop the arashi.
I feel like it has achieved its original goal.

Today, I will release the BBS_ACORN=1 and BBS_ACORN=2 settings from every board's SETTING.TXT (except this board).

We will continue to allow the use of donguri functionality via VIPQ2.
Anybody can continue to use the !extend function to enable or disable donguri functions on specific threads as needed.

If the arashi comes back in large numbers again, we can selectively enable BBS_ACORN in real-time on the specific boards that are under attack.
In that way, BBS_ACORN can continue to be a shield against arashi. A shield that we only use sparingly as necessary.
あと 148 レスあります
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