高校地学の教員になりたければ (701レス)

129: 2023/01/21(土)01:14 AAS
The two old hermits live together and hear confessions side-by-side. Joseph becomes Father Dion’s successor. Before he dies, Father Dion confesses to Joseph that when they had first met at the oasis, he had been on the way to visit Joseph to ask him to hear his confession. Each one had sought the other and their meeting had led to the awakening of new life in them both. At the end of the story, Joseph buries Father Dion, plants a palm tree on the grave and lives to see the tree bear fruit.
The two fathers represent the two complements of a single whole. Together they comprise the twin elements of unity and it is played out in their living and hearing confessions together. Without the other, each one is incomplete. For without openness and acceptance, the ferocious aspect of compassion is mere harshness. And without the resolve to confront and challenge, acceptance and openness is ineffective. Together the two monks achieve balance, in action and reserve, in giving and receiving. They find the missing part of themselves in each other. We also need these two elements in ourselves and, when we find the balance, we are more than either one of them alone.
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