[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 346 (1002レス)

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458: (ワッチョイ a939-OF6d) 2019/02/11(月)17:28 ID:2DX17/p30(5/6) AAS
>>424 への回答の続き

(2) ネイティブによるコメント:
Whereas the present tense together with a time reference doesn't have the same commitment,
"I'm going to New York next year." -- sometime, probably, but not totally sure when.


The present continuous indicates that we have a firm intention or have made a definite
decision to do something, although this may not already be arranged:

-- Are you seeing the doctor again next week? (OR Are you going to see...?)
-- I'm not asking Tom to the party. (OR I'm not going to ask.)
(Advanced Grammar in Use, p.20)
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