洋書・洋画などに取り組んで真面目に語る (3) (417レス)
180(1): The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ 2b89-YAjS) 2023/08/21(月)06:28 ID:jEC7Ztub0(2/15) AAS
(1) 私の場合はこの持ち物だけで入院生活を送れそうですが、病院によっては用意してくれないものもあります!
私の英訳: As far as I'm concerned, I think that this baggage will be enough for me
to manage my life in the hospital. But there are some things that I may need that some hospitals don't provide.
別の方による英訳: 1. In my case, I could manage my hospital stay with just these belongings,
but some hospitals might not provide everything!
(2) 病院によって持ち物は変わるので、予め必要なものは医師に確認して荷物を詰めてください!
私の英訳: You have to bring different kinds of baggage with you depending on
the hospital you'll check in. So please ask your physician what you'll need to bring with you.
181(1): The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ 2b89-YAjS) 2023/08/21(月)06:32 ID:jEC7Ztub0(3/15) AAS
(3) また、日本の病院で入院した時に持ってきて良かったものがあれば、ぜひコメントしてください!
私の英訳: If there's anything that you found useful during your previous stay
in a hospital in Japan, please say so.
別の方による英訳: 3. Additionally, if you have things that were helpful to have
during a hospital stay in Japan, please feel free to share in the comments!
(4) 産後の骨盤均整ベルト
私の英訳: Post-childbirth back support belt
182(1): The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ 2b89-YAjS) 2023/08/21(月)06:36 ID:jEC7Ztub0(4/15) AAS
(6) 日本で出産を控えている方が入院する時に必要な持ち物
私の英訳: Things that you need in the hospital for maternity purposes
別の方による英訳: 6. Items necessary for those anticipating hospitalization for childbirth in Japan.
(7) 授乳用パジャマ
私の英訳: Maternity pajamas
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