[過去ログ] [English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 27 (1002レス)

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(3): (ワッチョイ d7e2-3jKb) 2023/07/20(木)12:24 ID:ttAZVdKR0(1) AAS
User: Does this sentence "The old man told the story cried." sound idiomatic and grammatically correct?

ChatGPT: The sentence "The old man told the story cried." is not idiomatic and is grammatically incorrect. It appears to be a sentence fragment or a misconstructed sentence.

To make it grammatically correct and idiomatic, you could add a conjunction or restructure the sentence. For example:

"The old man told the story and then cried."
"As the old man told the story, he cried."
"Crying, the old man told the story."

These revisions provide context and clarify the relationship between the actions of telling the story and crying.

User Could not the sentence be interpreted as meaning "The old man who was told the story (by someone) cried."?

ChatGPT: You are correct, and I apologize for the oversight in my initial response. The sentence "The old man told the story cried." could indeed be interpreted as "The old man who was told the story (by someone) cried." In this interpretation, "told the story" would be a relative clause modifying "old man," indicating that the old man was the recipient of the story and subsequently cried.

While this interpretation is possible, the sentence's structure may lead to confusion or ambiguity for some readers. To avoid ambiguity and improve clarity, it's generally better to use a more explicit phrasing, as in:

"The old man, who was told the story, cried."

This version makes it clearer that the old man is the one who received the story and then cried. If you want to retain the original structure, you can add a comma to help distinguish between the two parts of the sentence.
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