chat in english (英語で雑談) part 228 (378レス)

(1): (ワッチョイW 3509-Pozc) 02/17(月)10:02 ID:zlXQfjmv0(2/6) AAS
360: (ワッチョイW 3509-Pozc) 02/17(月)13:17 ID:zlXQfjmv0(3/6) AAS
So so.
(3): (ワッチョイW 3dce-UKCX) 02/17(月)17:39 ID:e/vSfDkl0(1/3) AAS
I don't like European and Ameriacan.
but I want to be good at English.
What should I do?
(2): (ワッチョイW 159d-tdaP) 02/17(月)18:41 ID:o3XtBhAu0(1) AAS
just hate japs more than westerners, okay?
363: (ワッチョイW 3dce-UKCX) 02/17(月)21:42 ID:e/vSfDkl0(2/3) AAS
364: (ワッチョイW 3dce-UKCX) 02/17(月)21:48 ID:e/vSfDkl0(3/3) AAS
I already hate japanese too
365: (ワッチョイW 3509-Pozc) 02/17(月)21:50 ID:zlXQfjmv0(4/6) AAS
Why hypocracy sex before marriage?
366: (ワッチョイW 3509-Pozc) 02/17(月)21:53 ID:zlXQfjmv0(5/6) AAS
Mayor of simpleton.
367: (ワッチョイW 3509-Pozc) 02/17(月)22:13 ID:zlXQfjmv0(6/6) AAS
Go to Singapore.
(1): (ワッチョイW 459d-CgsG) 02/18(火)11:04 ID:73FAh2Lz0(1) AAS
I'd go to the Philippines or Singapore to learn English.
(1): (JPW 0Hcb-np28) 02/18(火)20:44 ID:pQAKSTSRH(1) AAS
Someone tell me the meaning of this picture book title.

370: (ワッチョイW e3b7-Pozc) 02/19(水)01:20 ID:y1I6ordk0(1/2) AAS
no no learn singlish.
371: (ワッチョイW e3b7-Pozc) 02/19(水)01:21 ID:y1I6ordk0(2/2) AAS
So cute.
(1): (ワッチョイW 159d-tdaP) 02/19(水)12:27 ID:j9rAw4Fr0(1) AAS
A woman whose pussy smells is not a human but a cat
373: (ワッチョイW 459d-CgsG) 02/19(水)22:53 ID:Y4mo9A+10(1) AAS
Going to gym, hoping to train my back. At the same time, I hope to see some hot guys.. Lol
374: (ワッチョイW 1542-SlCH) 02/19(水)23:29 ID:Wb2FJwx+0(1) AAS
I don't have any friends to talk with in English.
On top of that I don't have the heart to apply for Online Eikaiwa.
All I can do is talk to myself in English. What a poor guy...
375: (ワッチョイW 030b-+v22) 02/20(木)00:16 ID:CQcX9uVH0(1) AAS
Well put.
(1): (ワッチョイ ed8c-v8mJ) 02/20(木)10:50 ID:zWRPvlHm0(1) AAS
Adding "the" to gym is necessary.
Need to specify the gym.
Am I wrong?
377: (JPW 0Hcb-np28) 02/20(木)12:56 ID:qgU3/0XtH(1) AAS
You are right. But 'go to gym' is also often used in daily conversation.
In addition, this thread is not such a place to mind grammar in others' writing.
378: (ワッチョイW 459d-+v22) 02/20(木)16:20 ID:9LMpz6wM0(1) AAS
You re correct. Sometimes so-called grammar nazis appears and then people disappears here
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