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552(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)10:36 ID:??? AAS
Okay Im here. I know how to fix F22. I am fixing it now.
553(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)10:47 ID:??? AAS
F22 on toro.2ch.net is now fixed.
554(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)10:50 ID:??? AAS
You used to have ssh access to the servers?
Which servers and accounts were you allowed to access?
Which services and programs were you maintaining?
Please give me a list.
555: Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)11:17 ID:??? AAS
F22 on uni.2ch.net is now fixed.
556(2): anonymous 2014/02/20(木)11:25 ID:5tg+QYBW(1/5) AAS
>>550 in E
talkig about BBQ system maintainance
formerly I could log-in to the appropriate servers for mod/update them.
but, after the leakage on Aug/2013, it became imppssible.
I couldn't log-in those servers any more.
therefore, no maintainance is made for them like bbq2, m,m2(BBM), hack72 servers.
and this time, i became locked out from bbq server now (within boo system).
today, I got an assistive repair via/by CodeMonkey-san.
Is this the only way to maintaining those system in the future?
557: Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)11:29 ID:??? AAS
F22 on kohada.2ch.net is now fixed.
558(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)11:31 ID:??? AAS
>>556 >>550
Okay, well please see my reply at >>554
I need to know all the details about which servers and scripts you were maintaining and which accounts you had SSH access to.
If you give me the details, then I can ask Jim-san about how we can coordinate better with Rock54-san.
559(1): anonymous 2014/02/20(木)11:33 ID:5tg+QYBW(2/5) AAS
来たよー F22の修理も判るし、やってます
560: Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)11:40 ID:??? AAS
F22 on ikura.2ch.net is now fixed.
561: Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)11:41 ID:??? AAS
Thank you translator-san.
We will move to email.
562(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)12:01 ID:??? AAS
F22 on ikura.2ch.net is now fixed.
Are there any more complaints about the F22 system being offline?
563: 2014/02/20(木)12:18 ID:xcwn2tbi(1/2) AAS
F22 now working may be the older version
log styles seems to be different
Tohru has recently revised F22/F15 on sevral servers
564: anonymous 2014/02/20(木)12:22 ID:5tg+QYBW(3/5) AAS
seems Rock54-san offline now.
may respond on lunch time,,, no idea.
565(1): 2014/02/20(木)12:45 ID:xcwn2tbi(2/2) AAS
> sevral servers
revised F22 on toro, uni, kohada, ikura
and they have been offline
others are remained older version and working normally
revised versiona are intended to load relaxation
566: Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)13:54 ID:??? AAS
Toru has been fired.
I have reset the F22 to the old version on those servers.
There are better ways to get "load relaxation".
I will find a way to improve load later, after I finish getting acquainted with the 2ch servers.
567(1): ◆Rock54hC3G0C 2014/02/20(木)14:06 ID:6N5HYk44(2/5) AAS
Okay, Wait a few moment. write a list it for e-mail
!Muchas gracias! Desde siempre.
And My trip "◆Rock54hC3G0C" is already revealed.
Next, Will be written by New Trip.
Since ID does not change, please check it. !Chao!(^・^)/~
568(1): 2014/02/20(木)14:18 ID:DvkjseaQ(1/3) AAS
◆Boo2014ByhBJ Not disclosed
◆bbq.muteQGCV disclosed last august
◆Rock54hC3G0C disclosed last august
569(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:24 ID:??? AAS
What does the BBON system do?
570: 2014/02/20(木)14:37 ID:DvkjseaQ(2/3) AAS
excessive access(reload/post/thread making) from the same IP in a certain period
automatically denied by .htaccess for few hours
571: 2014/02/20(木)14:38 ID:DvkjseaQ(3/3) AAS
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