[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10 (1001レス)
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698: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/17(水)18:34 ID:??? AAS
Still sick. The good thing is I am losing weight. The bad thing is my stomach hurts, and my ass is as red as this primates.
I am going to bed now.
699: MANKO@Greenday ★ 2008/09/18(木)09:12 ID:??? AAS
Good morning, Jim.
I hope you are getting better.
how are you feeling this morning?
700: MANKO@Greenday ★ 2008/09/18(木)09:12 ID:??? AAS
701(1): 2008/09/18(木)10:02 ID:KSiuvZu9(1) AAS
Good morning, Jim.
I want to ask for the impression reading the content of following url.
702: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/19(金)08:20 ID:??? AAS
While the goddess was thus employed in the labours of the toilet, behold Actaeon having quitted his companions and
rambling without any especial object, came to the place, led thither by his destiny.
-Thomas Bulfinch
Even the Ancient greeks were voyeurs...;)
The penalty for being a peeping tom was more severe back then. Diana turned Actaeon into a stag, and he was hunted down and killed by his
own dogs.
703: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/19(金)08:21 ID:??? AAS
Greenday, thank you for the well wishes. I am feeling better today,
just a little weak.
I have read this thread and completely don't understand it.
ごめんあさい すみーません
704: 2008/09/19(金)08:48 ID:RLeI4bWe(1) AAS
There is no means to prove if doubted that it is less than 18 years old.
705: MANKO@Greenday ★ 2008/09/19(金)10:17 ID:??? AAS
706(1): MANKO@Greenday ★ 2008/09/19(金)14:36 ID:??? AAS
707(1): 2008/09/19(金)15:25 ID:i0qo58Cr(1) AAS
708: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/19(金)18:33 ID:??? AAS
>>706 Thank you. Maybe I will start wearing a toga.
709(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/19(金)18:34 ID:??? AAS
Rise and shine....;)
710: 2008/09/19(金)23:50 ID:VrNCYji5(1) AAS
711(1): エキサイト翻訳使ってますw 2008/09/20(土)12:29 ID:hldb6+Y1(1) AAS
I do not think that you may considerably do ASCII art.
Do though it doesn't seem to be desirable to do taking the lead of the lengths of
those who delete it and putting the load on the server?
Please pardon it though it made remarks out of friendship when there is an
unpleasant point.
712(11): 2008/09/20(土)15:55 ID:bziT2ATa(1/6) AAS
I'm user in pink-thread.
The specific user was excluded without the user's understanding "One deleator".
"One deleator" isn't also listening to volunteer's other advice and is doing a one-
sided elimination act.
There are several questions.
Please tell me.
1.Do you think volunteer's have a legal responsibility stress of site maintenance?
2.>>670 They're confused by where to report it.
713: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/20(土)16:04 ID:??? AAS
I love ascii art.
714(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/20(土)16:13 ID:??? AAS
Thank you for thinking about my health...:)
I am sorry if you were deleted by mistake. I am responsible when that happens.
I didn't do it though. げおめんあさい すみーません orz
1. They do not have legal responsibility.
2. Somewhere in Japan I guess. Words are not against the law in the USA.
There are no images on Pink Channel.
3. Volunteers have no legal responsibility.
4. Really? I never thought that way.
We also have a site policy here. These questions you ask are addressed in it.
715(1): 2008/09/20(土)16:35 ID:bziT2ATa(2/6) AAS
Dear. Mr.Jim
Thank you very much for your quick answer.
A picture was also very helpful.
Be a good day.
716: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/20(土)16:39 ID:??? AAS
どう いたし まして
Have a nice day too.
717(2): 2008/09/20(土)16:53 ID:8T6GzAQb(1) AAS
Hello, Jim-san.
How are you?
It is fine by typhoon pass
Is your city fine, too?
Some people request new boards at 2chスレ:erobbs
How do we get new boards?
For example, we explain the details and a background in English and must give presentation.
It is necessary we gather applicants by votes, and to report them. etc.
If there is a concrete procedure, please teach it.
I wrote this sentence with an interpreter.
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