[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10 (1001レス)

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(3): 23 2008/09/20(土)21:05 ID:bziT2ATa(3/6) AAS
Dear. Mr.Jim

I'm only user in pink. I'll want you to know, and I contact you ince again.
By a long article, excuse me.

Certain behavior of an operation volunteer brings confusion to the user of a bulletin board.
The beginning was the report which does the female picture contributor who has that as a
teenager.After having notice, an elimination volunteer warned to a lady concerned.
A volunteer requested to prove that he isn't underage. A contributor contributed by an account
with the authentication ID, and declared that he isn't underage.But he assumed then that it was
insufficient, and a volunteer requested to expose further personal information to an opening to
the public bulletin board.
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