[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part22 (1001レス)
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355: ”削除”要請板住民 2014/02/20(木)14:23 ID:6s1Qkqf+(16/22) AAS
I usually live in the saku2ch board (削除要請板) (but with no official capacity),
so I see deletion requests a lot.
356: 2014/02/20(木)14:24 ID:CUWplbOk(1/13) AAS
The person who has declared all rights reserved right now is better than
The problem until the problem is solved, at least
357(1): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:24 ID:??? AAS
Yes, don't you think common sense should
apply? Those that are taking advantage
for commercial use should pay.
The past logs will be made free. That
should be a good solution. When there
is money, I do intend to go after logsoku.
358: 2014/02/20(木)14:25 ID:osrriSwL(10/25) AAS
The problem is that some volunteers have been reluctant to delete postings which violate law in Japan.
Thus, management of 2cannel was investigated by police agencies.
359(2): 2014/02/20(木)14:27 ID:h+cdOzUp(2/3) AAS
360: 346 2014/02/20(木)14:28 ID:MdEfa7MI(4/8) AAS
Actually, 2ch is still scaring ordinary people, they think 2ch is underground web site because there were some trouble like crimes at 2ch past 10 years...
However, thanks to copy blogs ( I mean not the web site that copying whole contents from 2ch. the sites Just summarise threads), ordinary people has been coming to like 2ch.
In order to keep inflows of new user, you shouldn't ban these copy sites.
361: 2014/02/20(木)14:29 ID:JrpKqYVF(3/9) AAS
now we know affiliater isnt allowed
then what will you do to them?
362: 2014/02/20(木)14:30 ID:GmKbQNr9(1/6) AAS
please ignore this.
363: 2014/02/20(木)14:31 ID:iZuICnof(1/2) AAS
364: 2014/02/20(木)14:32 ID:Xu/hpsi+(1) AAS
365(1): 2014/02/20(木)14:32 ID:hMJyQ1py(1/7) AAS
>>359 Google Translate
Hiroyuki has issued the approval in the form of acquiescence once For 2ch blog together for-profit
Does this become invalid?
366: 2014/02/20(木)14:32 ID:I6vPOUWV(1) AAS
iam Vipper yuor SEX!!
367: 2014/02/20(木)14:36 ID:6s1Qkqf+(17/22) AAS
>>354 the people who are watching 2ch are subsidiaries to the law enforcement,
and they do not have the power to act as law enforcement officers.
The Japanese Law Enforcement itself lacks personnel knowledgeable in handling the issues.
Also, since log files disappear shortly after deleting articles, we are forced to keep the
article on the 2ch server just in case somebody may want to look at the log file.
So, for all law, court, and lawyer related deletions, we are asking them to upload a PDF file
noting that "no more log storing is required" to Japanese servers.
Since Japanese Law Enforcement is unable to upload PDF to their servers, we are usually
unable to serve them.
368: Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:36 ID:??? AAS
I totally agree. Logsoku should be banned.
Websites that want to talk about certain threads should be allowed to do that.
369: 2014/02/20(木)14:36 ID:6s1Qkqf+(18/22) AAS
I have some business to do, so I will be unavailable for few hours.
370: 2014/02/20(木)14:36 ID:Whz4gHAF(2/20) AAS
371: 2014/02/20(木)14:38 ID:osrriSwL(11/25) AAS
To make sure, how about removing the first mark of (外部リンク:www.bunka.go.jp on the top page of 2channel
and showing your copy right policy there.
372(1): 365 2014/02/20(木)14:38 ID:hMJyQ1py(2/7) AAS
373(5): 372 2014/02/20(木)14:39 ID:hMJyQ1py(3/7) AAS
Is a need money for this registration, the registrant is a paid already.
What should think about the guarantee of this part if you change the Terms and Conditions?
374(3): 2014/02/20(木)14:42 ID:n8siVaOo(25/28) AAS
そんなの初耳だよ そもそもそれは転載していいって許可ではなく
あと 627 レスあります
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