[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)

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(1): 2021/01/11(月)19:25 ID:vT/YQ/YG0(2/3) AAS
For January 11-17, 2021
Image: "Five bear cups playing in the woods"
Message: Important business.

Working relationships will go through a period of zany joking or frantically released tension this week.
Over the past few weeks stress and emotional strain may have been building on your workscene.
Now, however, and over the coming few days watch for co-workers and business associates to release all such negativity
and initiate a new awareness of group identity, communications or bonding.
All of this is, of course, positive but don't assume that the tension won't begin building again: pace yourself accordingly.
Thursday through Saturday also accents financial decisions and goal setting.
This would be an excellent week to evaluate your budget, plan for major purchases or discuss long range plans with family or friends.
Be specific: you may need to verbalize your ideas more confidently.
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