[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)
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387(1): 2021/02/12(金)20:59 ID:Aile96F20(1/2) AAS
Pisces Love Friday 12th February 2021
Yours is said to be one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac.
So it's likely you'll make full use of the fabulous aspects this weekend ( and Valentine's Day!).
Mercury is retrograde and having a little fun will surely appeal.
You could draw this mischief out for a few days.
Your two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, arrive at the next phase in their cycle and this too should give a boost to affairs of the heart.
All that said, both Saturn and Uranus, and Venus and Mars, are respectively on their way to right angle formations.
These alignments will surely bring extra strain to existing relationships and prove challenging for those trying to get a new relationship off the ground.
All that said, relationships and exploring the differences that bring people together are defining themes this week.
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