[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイ 830b-2+Dn []) 2020/10/03(土)00:41 ID:bsNbpmx80(1/3) AAS
Week starting 2nd October
Your awesome intuition is usually finely tuned. But from this week, it could feel as if a reboot or an 'auto-scan' is needed. You could
be prone to misinterpreting signs and signals in your emotional world or those that come from a partner. Assumptions or jumping to
conclusions could lead to trouble. But if you make a concerted effort to consider others' or a loved one's feelings wherever possible,
then you'll keep any tension or confusion waiting to manifest at bay.

Month of October
Venus casts a delightful, comforting influence with partnerships and commitments from the 2nd until the 27th. Whether you're single
or attached, a harmonious vibe will exist within your closest relationships, or one in particular. From the 19th, you could be aware of
45: (ワッチョイ 830b-2+Dn []) 2020/10/03(土)00:42 ID:bsNbpmx80(2/3) AAS
  10月2日(金) 恋愛運 週報

   10月 恋愛運 月報
46: (ワッチョイ 830b-2+Dn []) 2020/10/03(土)15:25 ID:bsNbpmx80(3/3) AAS
Your Monthly Horoscope for October
Although your priority will be to push ahead with new long-term plans, you'll be aware the certain old obligations and agreements
have to be fulfilled. So you'll be dancing backwards and forwards, feeling at times as if anchors were dragging. Normally you dislike
being confrontational and having to stand still. But these are unusual times so keeping your focus steady and not allowing others
to tug at your heart strings and cajole you into fitting in with their wishes will be important. Your mood will veer from positive to
gloomy and back again. Try to ignore the doom-sayers since they'll almost certainly be wrong. Financial tangles will be slow to
unpick but with a well-thought out strategy and some foot-stamping you should make headway. Try to resist the temptation to
spend impulsively or rush into cash decisions before you've thought through the consequences. After the 20th there will be fewer
irritations and you'll be aiming to broaden your horizons and find more adventure.
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