[過去ログ] French FRIENDS [転載禁止]©2ch.net (794レス)

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(1): Code Monkey ★ (★ **94-X2Ub) 2015/11/10(火)22:14 ID:??? AAS
Please make request on carpenter server.
Carpenter-san asked me to create these boards.
Carpenter-san can change the details for you.
(1): ◆dg0d9BvlB6 (ワッチョイ 69aa-w5mc) 2015/11/10(火)22:17 ID:IU//2eFU0(3/3) AAS
I got it.
We will ask the carpenter's.
203: Code Monkey ★ (★ **94-X2Ub) 2015/11/10(火)22:20 ID:??? AAS
204: (ワッチョイW 091f-/lyK) 2015/11/10(火)22:21 ID:+MqbzOf40(1) AAS
Please speak Japanese
205: (ワッチョイ a978-4a61) 2015/11/10(火)22:22 ID:RyObLYzo0(1) AAS
Please give me a job.
(1): (ワッチョイW c160-szJi) 2015/11/10(火)22:25 ID:mw6L963z0!(5/5) AAS
Recently, orpheus server seems become weaker. It's gone down for many times though there're not too much burden on that.
Can you detect why?
207: (ワッチョイW 792d-2kwq) 2015/11/10(火)22:40 ID:JvNXFA9B0(1) AAS
208: (ワッチョイ a93d-w5mc) 2015/11/10(火)22:41 ID:06HPnZCM0(1) AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san.
please new baseball bulletin board!
209: 転載ダメ©2ch.net(4級) 2015/11/10(火)22:43 ID:Z4MQBHT40(1) AAS

YeahDamaged -35 pts. HP: 965 pts. Consumed 38 MP
210: 転載ダメ©2ch.net(3級) 2015/11/10(火)22:44 ID:4rN1oADL0(1) AAS
fooooooooDamaged -38 pts. HP: 927 pts. Consumed 43 MP
211: 転載ダメ©2ch.net(4段) 2015/11/10(火)22:46 ID:vQAPTpU20(1) AAS
Damaged -73 pts. HP: 854 pts. Consumed 71 MP
212: 転載ダメ©2ch.net(4級) 2015/11/10(火)22:51 ID:CheYg3Y0(2/2) AAS
Healing +39 pts. HP: 893 pts. Consumed 38 MP
(1): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-X2Ub) 2015/11/10(火)23:25 ID:??? AAS
Probably orpheus needs to be replaced with a new machine.
214: (ワッチョイW e1cb-2kwq) 転載ダメ©2ch.net(8級) 2015/11/10(火)23:32 ID:bN1vO1DI0(1) AAS
Status ♣4 ♣J ♠5 ♠8 ♣8 (1st.)HP: 893 pts. たぶん(2500)
load averages: 0.15, 0.11, 0.08(3759.656250)
215: (ワッチョイ 5caa-+IXz) 2015/11/10(火)23:45 ID:62PhYE0x0(1) AAS
Good evening Code Monkey-san.
Let's make a new board to potato server.
Please create a NINTENDO board and SEGA board. It is a game category.
It is a very hot company in Japan.
Very famous president and creators.
(1): (ワッチョイW c160-szJi) 2015/11/10(火)23:55 ID:T2CDVlOy0!(1) AAS
That's good news for Baseball-min!

Btw, Game hard board (外部リンク:wktk.2ch.net should be separated into 3 (Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft)
There are too much quarrelling in there.
This causes a meaningless burden on server, and it becomes a means of a making living for bad affiliate bloggers.
217: (ワッチョイW fbaa-L6Z+) 2015/11/10(火)23:59 ID:08cMEsoA0(1) AAS
218: (ワッチョイW fbaa-L6Z+) 2015/11/11(水)00:00 ID:4NjkhEcN0(1) AAS
219: (ワッチョイW fbaa-L6Z+) 2015/11/11(水)00:00 ID:ItJITtEv0(1/14) AAS
220: (ワッチョイ fbaa-sjv9) 2015/11/11(水)00:07 ID:ItJITtEv0(2/14) AAS
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