[過去ログ] 【R2TW】Total War: Rome II そのXVII【トータルウォー】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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762: 2015/11/05(木)15:30 ID:3CxDuIi1(1) AAS
Total war and GOBUGOBU [recommendation Nara, nonesuch in the
★ dreamland site and a long-established store! Buying gourmet]
The broadcast contents which are 23:53-24:59 on November 3, 2015 on Tuesday

Masakou Hamada and the program which shoots
location scenes at the viewpoint where Atsushi Tamura "is fifty-fifty
" (I think it's better to change this concept. About existence as a license, from the production side, some, please get a solution.)

The program contents

Because I was from Nara tonight, a
EE gate is introduced to HON MA of Nara who knows! Recommendation..., (Nara,-it'll get rough* tonight....)
(1) it's rarely seen! The Nara dreamland site
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