[過去ログ] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim 質問スレ 110 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
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772(1): 2016/09/30(金)09:02 ID:aXfbCUfa(1/2) AAS
TESVTranslator is an advanced editor for translate mod built with automatic translation logic in mind, and allows easy translation updates.
The tool has been massively updated for Fallout4, and can still be used for Skyrim. (and also, Fallout NewVegas)
-go to the page of Fallout4Translator 外部リンク:www.nexusmods.com
-Download the latest version of Fallout4Translator
-Start the tool, a dialog box will ask you for the workspace you want.
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