[過去ログ] 【PS4】Bloodborne ブラッドボーン part1 (1001レス)

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926: 2015/03/16(月)07:36 ID:KCAhcq8p0(13/30) AAS

You're a hunter, aren't you ? I knew it. That's precisely how I started out ! Oh, beg pardon, you may call me Alfred. Protege of Master Logarius, hunter of Vilebloods. So, what say you ?
Our prey might differ, but we are hunters, the both of us. Why not cooperate, and discuss the things we've learned ?
Select Cooperate
Oh-hoh ! Very good, very good indeed ! Take this, to celebrate our acquaintance.
Received Fire Paper x 3
Learned Pray Gesture
Beast hunting is a sacred practice. May the good blood guide your way. There must be oodles for us to share.
Select "Talk about the Healing Church"
As you know, the Healing Church is the fountainhead of blood healing. Well, I'm a simple hunter, quite unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the institution. I have heard that the holy medium of blood healing is venerated in the main cathedral.
And that councilors of the old church reside in the high stratum of the Cathedral Ward. If you seek blood healing, and the church is willing, you should pay them a visit.
Select "Talk about Byrgenwerth"
Byrgenwerth is an old place of learning. The tomb of the gods, carved out below Yharnam, should be familiar to every hunter. Well, once a group of young Byrgenwerth scholars discovered a holy medium deep within the tomb.
This led to the founding of the Healing Church, and the establishment of blood healing. In this sense, everything sacred in Yharnam can be traced back to Byrgenwerth. But today, the college lies deep within a tangled wood, abandoned and decrepit.
And furthermore, the Healing Church has declared Byrgenwerth forbidden ground. It's unclear how many of its scholars remain alive... ...but only they know the password that allows passage through the gate.
I bid you farewell. It has been a pleasure.
あと 75 レスあります
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