[過去ログ] 【PS4】Bloodborne ブラッドボーン part1 (1001レス)
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926: 2015/03/16(月)07:36 ID:KCAhcq8p0(13/30) AAS
You're a hunter, aren't you ? I knew it. That's precisely how I started out ! Oh, beg pardon, you may call me Alfred. Protege of Master Logarius, hunter of Vilebloods. So, what say you ?
Our prey might differ, but we are hunters, the both of us. Why not cooperate, and discuss the things we've learned ?
Select Cooperate
Oh-hoh ! Very good, very good indeed ! Take this, to celebrate our acquaintance.
Received Fire Paper x 3
Learned Pray Gesture
Beast hunting is a sacred practice. May the good blood guide your way. There must be oodles for us to share.
Select "Talk about the Healing Church"
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