Japan vidya [–³’f“]Ϊ‹ΦŽ~]©2ch.net (13Ϊ½)

1: 2017/02/17(Fri)22:39 AAS
What do Japanese people play?
Anime games?
2: 2017/02/18(Sat)03:44 AAS
Dating sims if anime is to be believed.
3: 2017/02/18(Sat)06:19 AAS
I want to know as well. How popular is something like Call of Duty in Japan? What about western RPGs like Baldur's Gate or more modern ones like Mass Effect or Dragon Age?
4: 2017/02/22(Wed)12:08 AAS
I know that Koreans like to play Rainbow Six Siege.
5: 2017/02/25(Sat)13:47 AAS
According to Media Create, all they play are Monster Hunter and clones, Nintendo games, and animu games.
(1): 2017/02/25(Sat)23:31 AAS
Probably a lot of normalfag shit like CoD and Bethesda garbage.
(1): 2017/03/03(Fri)05:12 AAS
Bethesda garbage?
What the fuck do you have to say about Morrowind and Oblivion you faggot?
8: 2017/03/04(Sat)07:01 AAS
They are shit games that aged like milk.
9: 2017/03/04(Sat)20:23 AAS
8 is right. Morrowind has some redeeming qualities because it still has some qualities of old RPGs but it's not incerdibly obtuse.
Oblivion is just made obsolete by other games that have done it better. It's a game from that transition period to what you'd call modern but it's not really there yet so it's just a mess instead.
Only reason to like it is nostalgia.
(1): 2017/03/13(Mon)06:47 AAS
mobile games
11: 2017/03/20(Mon)11:24 AAS
12: 2017/03/22(Wed)00:11 AAS
I just recalled an article on Sankaku about an old -around 70 I think- guy that played Doom.
Here it is actually [ ŠO•”ΨέΈ:www.sankakucomplex.com ]
Nearly ten years old mind you, he's probably dead by now. Or (more) senile.
13: 2018/11/18(Sun)00:42 AAS
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