[過去ログ] 甲状腺癌・のう胞等の情報スレ41 (1001レス)
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266: (新疆ウイグル自治区) 2014/10/08(水)06:02 ID:m0OJj/sk0(6/28) AAS
101 :地震雷火事名無し(福島県):2014/09/06(土) 11:49:54.82 ID:cFjxk/VQ0
Thyroid cancer in children of Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident.
The results of treatment of 330 children (< 14 years) and adolescents (15-18 years) with thyroid cancer who were operated on at the Institute of
Endocrinology after the Chernobyl accident in 1986 were analyzed. The number of young patients increased after 1986 (1981-1985, 9 cases; 1986-
1990, 37 cases; 1991-1995, 177 cases; 1996-1998, 116 cases). Most of these children and adolescents were younger than 8 years at the time of the
accident (84.2%). More than half of the children (58.1%) lived in areas receiving the highest radiation exposure. These thyroid cancers developed after
a short latent period, were more aggressive at presentation, and expressed regional (57.3%) or distant (14.5%) metastasis. Solid papillary cancers were
present in 93.1%. Coexisting thyroid conditions were common (thyroid hyperplasia, 25.1%; nodular goiter, 18.8%; chronic thyroiditis, 10.2%).
Most patients were treated by total thyroidectomy with intraoperative visualization of recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands. When lymph
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