[過去ログ] 【4565】そーせいG 437 【第3四半期決算発表2月14日予定】 (812レス)
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18: (ワッチョイ 778e-3Mr0) 2018/02/06(火)23:45 ID:rsUIDahC0(15/17) AAS
.※Heptares:We are now seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to join our Chemistry Team. We are now recruiting for a Medicinal / Synthetic Chemist (Scientist). (2/5)
The company is currently based in Welwyn Garden City but will be moving to a brand new research facility at Granta Park (Cambridge) in July 2018.
Heptares has been operating for over ten years and has approximately 130 employees who will all be based in this new research facility.
・"One Year Fixed Term Medicinal/Synthetic Industrial Post-Doctoral Position (Research Scientist)".
Position: We are currently seeking a highly motivated and skilled organic chemist to join the medicinal chemistry team as a Research Scientist.
This one-year fixed term position will be based in our Granta Park facility and is an exceptional opportunity to participate in cutting edge science
and be part of a drug discovery project team that will be engaged in medicinal chemistry and structure-based drug design for GPCR targets.
・"One-Year Fixed Term Medicinal / Synthetic Chemist (Scientist)".
Position: We are growing our established Medicinal Chemistry team and are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated scientist with synthetic organic chemistry skills to assist Heptares in our drug discovery programmes.
This one-year fixed term position will be based in our Granta Park facility and is an exceptional opportunity to participate in cutting edge science
19: (ワッチョイ 778e-3Mr0) 2018/02/06(火)23:51 ID:rsUIDahC0(16/17) AAS
※Heptares: Overview September: 外部リンク[pdf]:www.heptares.com (9/27update) ※Heptares_HP_Pipeline: M1 Status. (9/28Change)
・M1 Agonist - HTL009936/HTL0018318: First-In-Class Oral Agents in Phase 1 Clinical Studies. "Planning Underway for Studies in AD Patients"
・M4 Agonist - HTL0016878 - Highly Selective for M4, optimised pharmacology: Phase 1 Study Initiated in Healthy Subjects.
・Dual M1/M4 agonists - Cognitive impairment & neurobehavioural symptoms: In Preclinical Stage.
・Wave 1 Partnered Pipeline: M1, Progression 2017-2019: "Start of Phase 2 POC Trial in AD Patients", "AD PoC Results Emerging"
・Wave 1 Partnered Pipeline: M4, Progression 2017-2019: "Start of Phase 1 Trial", "Phase 1 Results", "Progression to PoC Studies"
・Wave 1 Partnered Pipeline: M1M4 dual, Progression 2017-2019: "Start of Phase 1 Trial"
※大阪大学:これまで認知症診療や臨床研究の実績のある大阪大学において、認知症に対する高度な専門医療を実践するとともに、認知症医療イニシアチブが始動!ヘプタレス社 寄附講座設置。(10/18)
※ClinicalTrials: A FDG-PET Study of AGN-242071 Added to Standard-of-Care (Donepezil±Memantine) for the Treatment of Participants With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: New Trial Record. Ph1b. (10/21up)
20: (ワッチョイ 778e-3Mr0) 2018/02/06(火)23:55 ID:rsUIDahC0(17/17) AAS
※SOSEI第2四半期決算説明会:パイプライン開発進捗状況:(11/9) ・説明会(音声):外部リンク:www.c-hotline.net:Q&A, HTL009936. (11/14up)
・M1 AD:アルツハイマー型認知症患者を対象にした選択的M1受容体作動薬のPh1bを開始。HTL0018318は他の物質候補群に比べて良好なプロファイル。(New)
・M4 SZ:ファースト・イン・クラスの選択的M4受容体作動薬であるHTL0016878のPh1において健康人への初投与を実施。マイルストン収入15百万ドルを受領。(9/1)
・M1 DLB:日本におけるDLB開発・販売権を獲得。2018年中にPh2a POC試験(単剤投与)を開始予定。日本国内における製造販売承認申請並びに上市を目指す。(New)
※ClinicalTrials: FDG-PET Study of AGN-242071 Added to Standard-of-Care (Donepezil ± Memantine): Changed, Start: 2017/11/28→"2018/2/20", Changed, Completion Date: 2018/6/4→"2018/11/4". (1/12update)
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material: (J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: 1/8): 外部リンク[aspx]:v4.eir-parts.net (1/16up)
・HTL0018318 (AD): Same Compound Being Advanced by Allergan for AD in Our Partnered Pipeline. "Phase 1b"
・HTL0018318 (DLB): Phase 2 POC Monotherapy Study, Expected to Begin in Japan in 2018. "Phase 2 Ready"
※SOSEI:2017年ノーベル化学賞受賞者であるリチャード・ヘンダーソン博士をお招きした個人投資家説明会(HTL0018318を含むパイプライン進捗状況を発表) 3/14開催に関するお知らせ。(1/26)
21: (ワッチョイ 5711-6GFb) 2018/02/07(水)01:29 ID:3+jx2+R70(1) AAS
22: (ワッチョイ 778e-3Mr0) 2018/02/07(水)06:00 ID:M+X6shVQ0(1/13) AAS
Heptares Approach Extends well Beyond our Growing Pipeline. UK be Relocating to the Cambridge Area in "July 2018."
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material: (J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: 1/8): 外部リンク[aspx]:v4.eir-parts.net (1/16up)
※ClinicalTrials: AZD4635, Phase 1, "Description, Interventions" Changed. "Locations Add: New York [Not yet recruiting], North Carolina [Recruiting]". (1/17update)
※SOSEI:執行役異動(2018年2月28日):辞任:フィオナ・マーシャル執行役副社長兼CSO、新任:ティム・タスカー執行役副社長兼CMO (旧役職:Heptares社最高医事責任者)。(1/19)
※MSD: MSD Research Laboratories has appointed Dr Fiona Marshall to lead our future discovery research facility in London, which will focus on early bioscience discovery and entrepreneurial innovation. (1/22)
※Novartis Q4 & FY 2017 Results: Ultibro(China; Approved in December 2017): Q4 (120million, +26%cc), 2017FY (411million, +12%cc), Seebri: Q4 (42million, +4%cc), 2017FY (151million, +3%cc). (1/24)
※Novartis: Annual Report 2017: A new version of the Breezhaler device is being developed. The first clinical study(12/20up) with this inhaler is due to begin this year in COPD. (1/24)
23: (ワッチョイ 778e-3Mr0) 2018/02/07(水)06:02 ID:M+X6shVQ0(2/13) AAS
2010/12/30 (終値_1350) ※2010年大納会 ・(2010/1/4大発会_1028) ・(2010/10/15※最安値_650、2010/12/27最高値1748)
2011/12/30 (終値_1271) ※2011年大納会 ・(2011/1/4大発会_1400) ・(2011/3/15※最安値__693、2011/6/30最高値_1680)
2012/12/28 (終値_2087) ※2012年大納会 ・(2012/1/4大発会_1292) ・(2012/6/6※最安値__950、2012/9/7最高値_2967)
2013/12/30 (終値_4315) ※2013年大納会 ・(2013/1/4大発会_2061) ・(2013/1/4※最安値_2050、2013/5/7最高値_6100)
2014/12/30 (終値_4370) ※2014年大納会 ・(2014/1/6大発会_4415) ・(2014/4/22※最安値_1854、2014/9/8最高値_6000: PfizerUK)※[成長回収期の入口]ステージへ
2015/_2/20 (終値_3780) 売残高14200 買残高 1530800 ・(2015/2/21Heptares子会社化: 2015/3/16※最安値2851)※[成功の序章ステージ]→(2015/9/24※安値3550)
2015/10/30 (終値_4320) 売残高11400 買残高 2217900 ・(2015/10/29※終値3885米国承認)※[次なる飛躍ステージ] →(2015/11/30※終値_6060: Pfizer)※[上抜け圏]→※2015年大納会(2015/12/30終値_9950)
2016/_4/25 (終値23230) 売残高39800 買残高 3404900 ・(2016/1/4大発会10300)→(2016/4/6終値14180:Allergan)※[強気相場]→(2016/5/9※最高値26180)→
2016/_6/24 (終値14720) 売残高10500 買残高 2486100 ・(2016/6/24安値12960)※[強気相場解除]→※[時間軸での調整局面へ]→※2016年大納会(2016/12/30終値13450)
24: (ワッチョイ 778e-3Mr0) 2018/02/07(水)06:02 ID:M+X6shVQ0(3/13) AAS
※Technical Analysis Charts (Week):上抜け圏にて、強気相場解除後の時間軸での調整(振るい)は順調に推移してますね。笑。
※Technical Analysis Charts (Day):時間軸調整終盤、今回も拾い場を経て、予定通りに推移してます。笑。
25: (スプッッ Sd3f-anj1) 2018/02/07(水)07:33 ID:hB4y9zFrd(1/4) AAS
26: (ワッチョイWW 9723-W0qZ) 2018/02/07(水)07:36 ID:JoqVOF2d0(1) AAS
27(1): (ワッチョイ f78a-wbgk) 2018/02/07(水)08:27 ID:1wBs7C4X0(1/4) AAS
28: (ササクッテロル Spcb-Ismr) 2018/02/07(水)08:39 ID:lpJpc7jhp(1/2) AAS
29: (スプッッ Sd3f-anj1) 2018/02/07(水)08:48 ID:hB4y9zFrd(2/4) AAS
30: 2018/02/07(水)08:51 ID:fWNGhe3T(1/5) AAS
31: (ワッチョイWW 7f6c-l4oH) 2018/02/07(水)08:58 ID:rvP0qsoJ0(1/2) AAS
32(1): (スプッッ Sd3f-anj1) 2018/02/07(水)09:04 ID:hB4y9zFrd(3/4) AAS
33: (スプッッ Sd3f-anj1) 2018/02/07(水)09:06 ID:hB4y9zFrd(4/4) AAS
34: (ワッチョイ b7b4-6ivF) 2018/02/07(水)09:06 ID:M2DQYY8c0(1/4) AAS
35: 2018/02/07(水)09:12 ID:fWNGhe3T(2/5) AAS
36: (スップ Sdbf-anj1) 2018/02/07(水)09:12 ID:5XbjwhHyd(1/13) AAS
37: (ワッチョイ f78a-wbgk) 2018/02/07(水)09:15 ID:1wBs7C4X0(2/4) AAS
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