[過去ログ] 【4565】そーせいG 437 【第3四半期決算発表2月14日予定】 (812レス)
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18: (ワッチョイ 778e-3Mr0) 2018/02/06(火)23:45 ID:rsUIDahC0(15/17) AAS
.※Heptares:We are now seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to join our Chemistry Team. We are now recruiting for a Medicinal / Synthetic Chemist (Scientist). (2/5)
The company is currently based in Welwyn Garden City but will be moving to a brand new research facility at Granta Park (Cambridge) in July 2018.
Heptares has been operating for over ten years and has approximately 130 employees who will all be based in this new research facility.
・"One Year Fixed Term Medicinal/Synthetic Industrial Post-Doctoral Position (Research Scientist)".
Position: We are currently seeking a highly motivated and skilled organic chemist to join the medicinal chemistry team as a Research Scientist.
This one-year fixed term position will be based in our Granta Park facility and is an exceptional opportunity to participate in cutting edge science
and be part of a drug discovery project team that will be engaged in medicinal chemistry and structure-based drug design for GPCR targets.
・"One-Year Fixed Term Medicinal / Synthetic Chemist (Scientist)".
Position: We are growing our established Medicinal Chemistry team and are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated scientist with synthetic organic chemistry skills to assist Heptares in our drug discovery programmes.
This one-year fixed term position will be based in our Granta Park facility and is an exceptional opportunity to participate in cutting edge science
and be part of a drug discovery project team that will be engaged in medicinal chemistry and structure-based drug design for GPCR targets.
・The closing date for applications is 28th February 2018.
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