[過去ログ] 【4565】そーせいG 437 【第3四半期決算発表2月14日予定】 (812レス)

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806: (ワッチョイ b78e-K9Vl) 2018/02/20(火)17:01 ID:RAsWa/Kl0(9/12) AAS
12/_8 (終値10100) 売残高__900 買残高 1849800 ・(12/6安値_9970)
12/15 (終値10870) 売残高__900 買残高 1763800 ・(12/11安値10070)
12/22 (終値10550) 売残高__300 買残高 1724500 ・(12/22安値10530)
12/29 (終値10940) 売残高__300 買残高 1634900 ・(12/26安値10330)
_1/12 (終値11700) 売残高_3400 買残高 1507400 ・(1/5安値10530)
_1/19 (終値10870) 売残高__300 買残高 1643700 ・(1/19安値10800)
_1/26 (終値12210) 売残高__900 買残高 1429100(-214600) ・(1/22安値10960)※[振るいも順調に推移]
_2/_2 (終値11650) 売残高__300 買残高 1482300(_+53200) ・(1/31安値11440)
_2/_9 (終値10330) 売残高12500 買残高 1524700(_+42400) ・(2/6安値_9700)
_2/16 (終値_9920) 売残高11800 買残高 1591200(_+66500)※2/20up ・(2/14安値_9700)
807: (ワッチョイ b78e-K9Vl) 2018/02/20(火)17:01 ID:RAsWa/Kl0(10/12) AAS
※Technical Analysis Charts (Week):

(1): (ワッチョイWW 576f-n5UA) 2018/02/20(火)17:08 ID:30WFBzhG0(1) AAS
809: (スププ Sdbf-ZOQc) 2018/02/20(火)17:24 ID:i0B+IFb7d(3/3) AAS
810: (ワッチョイ b78e-K9Vl) 2018/02/20(火)17:30 ID:RAsWa/Kl0(11/12) AAS
※BioRxiv: New Results: "Cryo-EM structure of the adenosine A2A receptor coupled to an engineered heterotrimeric G protein": Christopher G Tate.
・Posted February 19, 2018.
The adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that couples to the heterotrimeric G protein GS.
Here we determine the structure by electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) of A2AR at pH 7.5 bound to the small molecule agonist NECA and coupled to an engineered heterotrimeric G protein, which contains mini-GS, the bg subunits and nanobody Nb35.
Most regions of the complex have a resolution of ~3.8 Å or better. Comparison with the 3.4 Å resolution crystal structure shows that the receptor and mini-GS are virtually identical and that the density of the side chains and ligand are of comparable quality.
However, the cryo-EM density map also indicates regions that are flexible in comparison to the crystal structures, which unexpectedly includes regions in the ligand binding pocket.
In addition, an interaction between intracellular loop 1 of the receptor and the b subunit of the G protein was observed.
811: (ワッチョイ b78e-K9Vl) 2018/02/20(火)17:35 ID:RAsWa/Kl0(12/12) AAS
・This work was funded by a grant from the European Research Council (EMPSI 339995) Heptares Therapeutics Ltd, Pfizer and core funding from the Medical Research Council [MRC U105197215].
・We thank Rishi Matadeen and Kasim Sader for their help with cryo EM data collection, Christos Savva for his help in using the VPP and Wim Hagen for the SerialEM single-particle data collection script.
・We also thank Rafael Fernandez-Leiro, Sjors Scheres and Paula da Fonseca for useful discussions.
Competing financial interests:
・CGT is a consultant and shareholder of Heptares Therapeutics, and they also funded this work.
812: (アウアウカー Sa6b-QRmp) 2018/02/20(火)19:31 ID:kRSnhjDYa(1) AAS
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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