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254: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)06:32 ID:+D55+Ozv0(1/7) AAS
※Start Up Showcase: by Innovation Forum London: Kings College London Guy's Campus: February 12, 2018, 12:30 - 14:00.
・For the second academia and entrepreneurship series, Innovation Forum are pleased to invite three academics who have successfully founded their own companies.
・We will be joined by Fiona Marshall, founder and director of Heptares Therapeutics; ・・・
Speakers: Fiona Marshall Founder and Director - Clinical-stage company creating transformative medicines targeting G-protein receptors.
・Fiona graduated from Cambridge with a PhD in neuroscience and now has over 25 years experience in drug discovery, as well as working as a consultant for various venture capital and biotech companies.
If you cannot attend, you can watch the event livestreamed on our Facebook page.

255: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)07:01 ID:+D55+Ozv0(2/7) AAS
Heptares Approach Extends well Beyond our Growing Pipeline. UK be Relocating to the Cambridge Area in "July 2018."
※国際特許出願(AstraZeneca):Inhibitors of Protease-Activated Receptor-2. (Inventors: AstraZeneca R&D & Heptares). (11/16公開)
※中国COPD新薬市場の進展:Ultibro Breezhaler、2017年5月に中国で上市申請を行い、2018年には中国市場に参入予定。来年後半以降、COPD市場全体に新たな変化が起こることが予想されます。(12/8)
※ClinicalTrials NCT02740985: AZD4635, Phase 1, Estimated Study Completion Date: 2017/11/9(P1a)→Changed "2019/8/23(P1b) ", Number of Patients Changed: 51→"156". (11/29update)
※ClinicalTrials: Ultibro(Phase3): "Concept2 Inhaler: Digital Adherence System": Evaluate the Effect of Reminder Notifications and Motivational/Adaptive Messaging: "Study Start: 2018/3/23" (12/20up)
※ClinicalTrials: Study to Compare QVM149 and Free Triple Combination (salmeterol/ fluticasone+ tiotropium): Changed, Start Date: "2018/1/15"(11/22update), Participants: 1251→"1500". (12/20update)
256: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)07:01 ID:+D55+Ozv0(3/7) AAS
※SAGE Journals: "Agonists and Antagonists of Protease-Activated Receptor 2 Discovered within a DNA-Encoded Chemical Library Using Mutational Stabilization of the Target." (1/9up)
※ClinicalTrials: FDG-PET Study of AGN-242071 Added to Standard-of-Care (Donepezil ± Memantine): Changed, Start: 2017/11/28→"2018/2/20", Changed, Completion Date: 2018/6/4→"2018/11/4". (1/12update)
※ClinicalTrials: Assess Bronchodilator Effect QVM149 Dosed Either in the Morning or Evening Compared: "Add Locations: Germany", "Change, Study Completion: 2018/4/26" (1/15update)
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material: (J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: 1/8): Adenosine A2A antagonist program for cancer treatment: Exciting I/O treatment approach (Phase 1b: AstraZeneca). (1/16up)
※ClinicalTrials NCT02740985: AZD4635, Phase 1, "Description, Interventions" Changed. "Locations Add: New York [Not yet recruiting], North Carolina [Recruiting]". (1/17update)
※SOSEI:執行役異動(2018年2月28日):辞任:フィオナ・マーシャル執行役副社長兼CSO、新任:ティム・タスカー執行役副社長兼CMO (旧役職:Heptares社最高医事責任者)。(1/19)
※MSD: MSD Research Laboratories has appointed Dr Fiona Marshall to lead our future discovery research facility in London, which will focus on early bioscience discovery and entrepreneurial innovation. (1/22)
※Novartis Q4 & FY 2017 Results: Ultibro(China; Approved in December 2017): Q4 (120million, +26%cc), 2017FY (411million, +12%cc), Seebri: Q4 (42million, +4%cc), 2017FY (151million, +3%cc). (1/24)
※Novartis: Annual Report 2017: A new version of the Breezhaler device is being developed. The first clinical study(12/20up) with this inhaler is due to begin this year in COPD. (1/24)
257: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)07:02 ID:+D55+Ozv0(4/7) AAS
※米国特許(MiNA):Methods of Inducing Insulin Production. (2/6公開)
※ClinicalTrials: Study to Compare QVM149 and Free Triple Combination(Sal/ Flu+ Tio): Changed, Study Start: 2018/1/15→"2018/2/5", Primary Completion: 2019/3/29→"2019/6/21". (2/6update)
※Pluristem Quarterly Report: Our Expectations; Sosei CVC for the clinical development and commercialization of Pluristem’s PLX-PAD cell therapy product in Japan. (2/7)
※Pluristem: "Pluristem Issues Letter to Shareholders". Pluristem had a very busy 2017, filled with significant achievements. We are hopeful that this letter will provide valuable updates. (2/7)
・With regards to the Japanese CLI trial, Pluristem previously signed a term sheet with Sosei CVC and partners to form a joint venture (JV) to conduct a pivotal study of CLI in Japan.
・As this JV includes not only financial aspects but clinical ones as well, it involves discussions with several partners which is one of the reasons why reaching a final agreement is taking longer than initially expected.
・Pluristem is working hard to negotiate the best possible terms for a Japanese JV and will provide an update upon reaching an agreement.
258: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)07:04 ID:+D55+Ozv0(5/7) AAS
※Seeking Alpha: Pluristem - Hidden Treasures And Sudden Catalysts. (2/8)
・In Japan, PSTI has also received the accelerated regulatory pathway approval for a single 75 patient trial, which may lead to early conditional approval, under a joint venture with Sosei CVC for commercialization and development.
・We believe that PSTI could see PLX-PAD commercialized in the CLI market in 2022.
・Valuations are based solely on data expected for a market in the US - it can therefore be expected that additional commercialization success in the EU can roughly double the US take,
・and commercialization in Japan, South Korea and Israel will further increase the success.
※Start Up Showcase: by Innovation Forum London: Kings College London Guy's Campus: Fiona Marshall, founder and director of Heptares Therapeutics. (2/12 12:30)
※SOSEI 平成30年3月期第3四半期決算発表: (2/7→"2/14")
※Keystone Symposium: GPCR Structure and Function: "Using X-Ray Structures of GPCRs to Guide Drug Discovery - Challenges for Allosteric Modulators": Fiona Marshall. (2/18)
※RNA Therapeutics Conference, London: "Utilising Small Activating RNA (saRNA) for Therapeutic Opportunities": Nagy Habib, MiNA, "Attend: Heptares" (2/21 9:10)
259: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)07:06 ID:+D55+Ozv0(6/7) AAS
2010/12/30 (終値_1350) ※2010年大納会 ・(2010/1/4大発会_1028) ・(2010/10/15※最安値_650、2010/12/27最高値1748)
2011/12/30 (終値_1271) ※2011年大納会 ・(2011/1/4大発会_1400) ・(2011/3/15※最安値__693、2011/6/30最高値_1680)
2012/12/28 (終値_2087) ※2012年大納会 ・(2012/1/4大発会_1292) ・(2012/6/6※最安値__950、2012/9/7最高値_2967)
2013/12/30 (終値_4315) ※2013年大納会 ・(2013/1/4大発会_2061) ・(2013/1/4※最安値_2050、2013/5/7最高値_6100)
2014/12/30 (終値_4370) ※2014年大納会 ・(2014/1/6大発会_4415) ・(2014/4/22※最安値_1854、2014/9/8最高値_6000: PfizerUK)※[成長回収期の入口]ステージへ
2015/_2/20 (終値_3780) 売残高14200 買残高 1530800 ・(2015/2/21Heptares子会社化: 2015/3/16※最安値2851)※[成功の序章ステージ]→(2015/9/24※安値3550)
2015/10/30 (終値_4320) 売残高11400 買残高 2217900 ・(2015/10/29※終値3885米国承認)※[次なる飛躍ステージ] →(2015/11/30※終値_6060: Pfizer)※[上抜け圏]→※2015年大納会(2015/12/30終値_9950)
2016/_4/25 (終値23230) 売残高39800 買残高 3404900 ・(2016/1/4大発会10300)→(2016/4/6終値14180:Allergan)※[強気相場]→(2016/5/9※最高値26180)→
2016/_6/24 (終値14720) 売残高10500 買残高 2486100 ・(2016/6/24安値12960)※[強気相場解除]→※[時間軸での調整局面へ]→※2016年大納会(2016/12/30終値13450)
260: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)07:08 ID:+D55+Ozv0(7/7) AAS
2018/_2/_5 (終値10860) 5日線乖離(_-6.36%) 25日線乖離(_-5.78%) 75日線乖離(-0.95%) 200日線乖離(+0.31%) (安値10850)
2018/_2/_6 (終値_9970) 5日線乖離(-11.31%) 25日線乖離(-13.18%) 75日線乖離(-9.07%) 200日線乖離(-7.86%) (安値_9700)
2018/_2/_7 (終値_9920) 5日線乖離(_-8.74%) 25日線乖離(-13.37%) 75日線乖離(-9.53%) 200日線乖離(-8.30%) (安値_9900)
2018/_2/_8 (終値10470) 5日線乖離(_-0.98%) 25日線乖離(_-8.42%) 75日線乖離(-4.59%) 200日線乖離(-3.20%) (安値10060)
2018/_2/_9 (終値10330) 5日線乖離(_+0.19%) 25日線乖離(_-9.49%) 75日線乖離(-5.91%) 200日線乖離(-4.47%) (安値_9870) ・(2/6安値_9700)

※Technical Analysis Charts (Week):上抜け圏にて、強気相場解除後の時間軸での調整(振るい)は順調に推移してますね。笑。

※Technical Analysis Charts (Day):時間軸調整終盤、今回も拾い場を経て、予定通りに推移してます。笑。

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