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177: (ワッチョイ bf23-Mu/V) 2018/02/03(土)13:43 ID:M5R5dEL50(1/13) AAS
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速報 NBC
Trump weighs barring U.S. military in South Korea from bringing families
Feb 2 2018, 1:39 pm (現地時間)
WASHINGTON — Soon U.S. service members deploying to South Korea may not be allowed to bring their families with them.
Top Pentagon officials are considering changing the policy that allows service men and women to deploy on accompanied tours to the Korean Peninsula, according to three U.S. defense officials.
An accompanied tour is when a service member's family can accompany them, traveling at the military's expense.
In a statement, the Pentagon said that no change in policy is imminent. "The U.S. Department of Defense currently has no plans in place to modify the policy authorizing U.S.
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