[過去ログ] 【USD/JPY】新ドル円15093【雑談禁コテ禁IP無】 (1002レス)
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454: 2019/09/11(水)08:35 ID:+5akUMFl0(3/6) AAS
3 reasons for EUR/USD to fall over the next 3 months
Tue 10 Sep 2019 23:24:42 GMT
I posted earlier on The 3 reasons EUR has bottomed against the USD and yen
An alternative viewpoint is for euro to fall.
Via Citi:
in the near term, euro area activity remains very weak
inflation low
ECB may prepare another round of easing, probably at the 12 September, including more QE
More QE means, says Citi:
a negative net supply dynamic in the EA bond market
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