[過去ログ] 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む27 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (517レス)
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270(1): 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2017/01/02(月)13:43 ID:MUXssChK(48/59) AAS
>>69 関連
2014年フィールズ賞Artur Avila Cordeiro de Melo 物理数理系か
Artur Avila Cordeiro de Melo (born 29 June 1979) is a Brazilian and French mathematician working primarily on dynamical systems and spectral theory. He is one of the winners of the 2014 Fields Medal,[2] being the first Latin American to win such award. He is a researcher at both the IMPA and the CNRS (working a half-year in each one).
At 19 he began his doctoral thesis on the theory of dynamical systems. Completed in 2001, when he traveled to France to do post-doctoral.[6] It works in the areas of dimensional dynamic and holomorfa.[7]
Since 2003 works at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France, and since 2008 is Directeur de recherche at this property. His post-doctoral supervisor was Jean-Christophe Yoccoz.[8]
Considered a prodigy as a teenager in 2005, at age 26, Arthur became known among mathematicians can prove by the "Conjecture of the ten martinis" problem proposed in 1980 by the American Barry Simon.
Simon promised to pay ten martini doses who explained his theory about the behavior of "Schrodinger operators", mathematical tools related to quantum physics. Artur solved the problem with mathematician Svetlana Jitomirskaya [9] and was presented with a few rounds of martini.
273: 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2017/01/02(月)13:45 ID:MUXssChK(50/59) AAS
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